Digimon Adventure
Seven kids are transported to the Digital World, a strange place where digital creatures called "Digimon" reside. A group of Digimon soon befriend them and keep the kids out of harm's way. The children then discover they are the Chosen Children, which protect the Digital World from evil Digimon like Devimon and Vamdemon.
Episode 1 - Adrift? The Island of Adventure!
Episode 2 - Explosive Evolution! Greymon
Episode 3 - The Blue Wolf! Garurumon
Episode 4 - Scorching Heat! Birdramon
Episode 5 - Lightning! Kabuterimon
Episode 6 - Palmon's Outraged Digivolution!
Episode 7 - Roar! Ikkakumon
Episode 8 - Devimon, the Emissary of Darkness!
Episode 9 - Clash! The Freezing Digimon
Episode 10 - Centarumon the Protector!
Episode 11 - The Dancing Ghosts! Bakemon
Episode 12 - Adventure! Patamon and Me
Episode 13 - Angemon Awakens!
Episode 14 - Departure for a New Continent!
Episode 15 - Etemon! Evil Takes the Stage
Episode 16 - Dark Digivolution! SkullGreymon
Episode 17 - Cockatrimon, Captain of Illusions!
Episode 18 - The Fairy! Piccolomon
Episode 19 - Nanomon of the Labyrinth!
Episode 20 - Digivolution to Perfect! MetalGreymon
Episode 21 - Koromon and the Great Clash in Tokyo!
Episode 22 - The Whispering Little Devil, PicoDevimon
Episode 23 - My Friend! WereGarurumon
Episode 24 - Break Through! AtlurKabuterimon
Episode 25 - The Sleeping Tyrant! TonosamaGekomon
Episode 26 - Shining Wings! Garudamon
Episode 27 - Vamdemon, the Castle of Darkness
Episode 28 - The Chase! Hurry to Japan
Episode 29 - Mammon: The Great Clash at Hikarigaoka!
Episode 30 - The Digimon and the Great Tokyo Crossing!!
Episode 31 - Raremon! Surprise Attack on Tokyo Bay
Episode 32 - Tokyo Tower Is Hot! DeathMeramon
Episode 33 - Pump and Gottsu Are Shibuya-Style Digimon
Episode 34 - The Bond of Destiny! Tailmon
Episode 35 - The Fairy of Odaiba! Lilimon Blossoms
Episode 36 - Break Through the Barrier! Zudomon Spark!
Episode 37 - The Perfect-Levels Attack All at Once! Sparkling Angewomon
Episode 38 - Revival! The Demon Lord VenomVamdemon
Episode 39 - Two Ultimate Digivolutions! Banish the Darkness!!
Episode 40 - The Four Kings of the Evil Mountain! The Dark Masters
Episode 41 - The Savage King of the Sea! MetalSeadramon
Episode 42 - Silent at the Bottom of the Sea: Whamon
Episode 43 - A Dangerous Game! Pinocchimon
Episode 44 - Jyureimon of the Lost Forest
Episode 45 - Clash of the Ultimates! WarGreymon vs. MetalGarurumon
Episode 46 - MetalEtemon's Counterattack
Episode 47 - Oh Wind! Oh Light! SaberLeomon
Episode 48 - Bombing Mission! Mugendramon
Episode 49 - Farewell, Numemon
Episode 50 - Battle Between the Women! LadyDevimon
Episode 51 - Piemon, the Clown from Hell
Episode 52 - The Holy Swordsman! HolyAngemon
Episode 53 - The Final Dark Digimon
Episode 54 - A New World