Casshern Sins
In the distant future, where cyborgs and humans struggle to survive after the war which destroyed the world, a being in white suit awakens. His name is Casshern and he remembers nothing of his own past.
In barren and dark dystopian world, where every being alive seems to hate his existence and the evil from his past wants him dead, Casshern, haunted by the flashes of his past memories has to survive and figure out who or what exactly he is and how he got to where he is now. But he does not know that he might not like the horrible truth of the past, hidden deep inside his mind...
Created as an intended reboot of Casshern franchise.
Episode 1 - At the End of the World
Episode 2 - A World Replete with Death Throes
Episode 3 - To the Ends of Agony
Episode 4 - The Angel of Ruin
Episode 5 - The Man who Killed the Sun Named Moon
Episode 6 - Reunited with Fate
Episode 7 - The Woman of the Tall Tower
Episode 8 - A Hymn of Hope
Episode 9 - The Flower that Blooms in the Valley of Ruin
Episode 10 - The Man Entrapped by the Past
Episode 11 - By One's Calling
Episode 12 - Turn the Time Lived to Color
Episode 13 - The Past Rises Before My Eyes
Episode 14 - The Truth Illuminates the Darkness
Episode 15 - The God of Death, Dune
Episode 16 - For the Strength to Believe
Episode 17 - The Glass Cradle
Episode 18 - The Time I've Lived and the Time I Have Left
Episode 19 - Believe in the Flower that Lives in Your Heart
Episode 20 - For Whom Do the Flowers Bloom?
Episode 21 - The Paradise of Lost Hope
Episode 22 - A Drop Called Eternity
Episode 23 - Those Who Return
Episode 24 - To the Wandering, Blooming Flowers