Seikai no Monshou
Based on a science fiction novel series, Crest of the Stars (Seikai no Monsho) is the first installment in this sci-fi saga. The story follows Jinto, whose world was taken over by the largest empire in the galaxy: the Abh. Jinto's father, the planet's prime minister, handed their world over to the Abh in exchange for a standing in the Abh Empire. As a result, Jinto became a prince and was shipped off for an Abh Education. There he meets a princess of the Abh Empire, Lafiel, whom he quickly befriends despite her cold exterior. The Abh Empire is plunged into war soon after and the story continues from there...
(Source: Anime News Network)
Note: The last episode aired with a runtime of ~40 minutes as op...
Episode 0 - Passage of the Stars
Episode 1 - Invasion
Episode 2 - Kin of the Stars
Episode 3 - Daughter of Love
Episode 4 - Surprise Attack
Episode 5 - The Battle of Gosroth
Episode 6 - Mysterious Conspiracy
Episode 7 - Fortunate Revolt
Episode 8 - The Style of the Abh
Episode 9 - To the Battlefield
Episode 10 - Escape: Just the Two of Us
Episode 11 - Sufugnoff Gateway Battle
Episode 12 - Lady of Chaos
Episode 13 - Trouble Soaring Through Heaven