The story centers around the special abilities that occur among a small percentage of boys and girls in puberty. Yuu Otosaka uses his power without others knowing, and lives a fairly normal, average school life. Before him suddenly appears a girl, Nao Tomori. Due to his meeting with her, the fate of special power-users will be exposed.
(Source: Anime News Network)
Episode 1 - I think about others
Episode 2 - Melody of Despair
Episode 3 - Love and Flame
Episode 4 - Moment of Earnest
Episode 5 - The Sound You Heard Sometime
Episode 6 - Happy You Did Not Notice
Episode 7 - The End of the Exodus
Episode 8 - Encounter
Episode 9 - The World is Not in Here
Episode 10 - Looting
Episode 11 - Charlotte
Episode 12 - Promise
Episode 13 - Memories to Come