Gokukoku no Brynhildr
The original manga revolves around high school boy Ryōta Murakami, who cannot forget his female childhood friend whom he let die in an accident. Feeling that he must fulfill their promise of proving the existence of aliens, he has continuously looked up at the sky as a member of the astronomy club. One day, a girl named Neko Kuroha who looks exactly like his childhood friend appears as a transfer student. It turns out that she is a magic-user that has run away from a research lab.
(Source: Anime News Network)
Episode 1 - While I Wait For You
Episode 2 - Witches
Episode 3 - Death Suppressants
Episode 4 - Lost Memories
Episode 5 - Astrological Observations
Episode 6 - The Reason For Her Smile
Episode 7 - Fragments of Hope
Episode 8 - The Clue That was Left
Episode 9 - Fake Memories
Episode 10 - Proof She's Alive
Episode 11 - A Sudden Reunion
Episode 12 - Hexenjagd
Episode 13 - Things to Protect