Hataage! Kemono Michi
The story follows masked wrestler Genzou Shibata, who likes all kinds of animals and creatures. One day he is summoned to another world, where a princess asks him to help kill magical beasts, but he gets mad and puts her in a German suplex. Instead, he begins life as a pet shop owner in the other world.
(Source: Anime News Network)
Episode 1 - Wrestler x Summoning
Episode 2 - Quest x Demon Beast Killer
Episode 3 - Runaway Girl x Attacker
Episode 4 - Demon Beast x Part-Time Job
Episode 5 - Animal Mask x MAO
Episode 6 - Loser x Master
Episode 7 - First Student x Pain in the Butt
Episode 8 - Animal x Event
Episode 9 - Princess x Panties
Episode 10 - Money x Bonds
Episode 11 - Pride x Loyalty
Episode 12 - Hero x Demon King