Me Female fiction writer. INFP Gemini Slytherin etc etc. Ratings 109: Cant miss must see etc. The closer to 10 the more you cant miss it obvs. 10s are rare from me on purpose but I also dont believe its some unattainable level of perfection. 9.0s may not be quite as stellar as the ones ranked higher but are still ultimately Must Watch. 8.98: Really strong and definitely recommend but if youre only looking for the best most lowrisk time investment you could probably skip these and live a long happy life. 7.97: A pretty good time and theres a chance theres something here you could love more than I do but you dont need to bother unless youre really on the hunt for something to watch. 6.96: Just plain mediocre and missable and thats if I didnt drop it. If its lower than that I definitely dropped it for good reasonbad storytelling characters execution of premise you name it.
Total Anime
Days Watched
Mean Score
