: : 27/F/TX :: OG MAPPA/ Bones Lover Weeaboo 220https://giffiles.alphacoders.com/100/100510.gif Im just here to watch anime man. ABOUT RATINGS My ratings are confusing varied and suffer from a little bit of rosetinted nostalgia for some of my upper ranked series as I havent found the time to rewatch them. I try to rank based more off of actual series quality versus my personal enjoyment. This is why I rate some of my favorite anime like JoJos in the 7s and 8s. Dont get me wrong though if its got a 10/10 from me I love it and think its objectively great. I use decimal point ratings to show what shows I think are just a little bit better than others which means Ive gotta revise my list from time to time ? 12 Absolute Trash 3 Very poor quality but something pulled it from the absolute trash level. Still dont watch 4 Big Meh 5 The lower end of average 6 Completely average solid anime. 7 Better than average some very enjoyable parts. Maybe not a masterpiece but definitely worth a look. Good 8 Pretty Good. Things that get an 8 from me are definitely worth watching in my opinion shows that are pretty good in all elements. 9 Fantastic. Very very wellcrafted shows that excel in every category. 10 Masterpieces. Shows I thought went above and beyond in every category AND have a great deal of my personal enjoyment. Trying to go through and fix the inaccuracies in ranking gradually. Due to this make sure you read my comments on the series if you actually care about what I think for some reason. ABOUT ME I cant completely remember what my actual first anime was but the first to make a huge impression on me and solidify a lifetime obsession with the medium was FLCL. I saw it when I was like 9 years old and Adult Swim was doing a nightime marathon of all 6 episodes. It sounds dramatic but it really changed my life forever by triggering a deep love for Japanese animation. I began tracking my anime probably around 2011 on MAL and ported my list over to AniList to another account I have since lost the password to. Some of my 10/10s were rated when I was 13 so they may not truly be my 10/10s as of now but a bitch is busy so there they will stay. ..

Genre Overview

214 Entries
204 Entries
182 Entries
137 Entries
129 Entries
Total Anime
Days Watched
Mean Score
Total Manga
Chapters Read
Mean Score
