400https://i.ur.com/c8Q581y.png https://canoue.jp/
Seiota. Shimotsuki Haruka Nakae Mitsuki enthusiast.
Miko enjoyer. Kaorin oshi.
I translate stuff sometimes to practice.
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20https://i.ur.com/papgdBe.png treepy
Kusoge I Play
Gacha Games
20https://i.ur.com/q8fDCPL.png Wuthering Waves 900560475 SEA
20https://i.ur.com/GVYUU9O.png 45893181https://huaxu.app/cn/players/45893181/characters CN
20https://i.ur.com/GVYUU9O.png Punishing: Gray Raven 15360153https://huaxu.app/ap/players/15360153/characters Asia
20https://i.ur.com/dCNa5gQ.png Genshin Impact 800159447https://akasha.cv/profile/800159447 Asia
20https://i.ur.com/BsHNeCd.png Honkai: Star Rail 801024674 Asia
20https://playlh.googleusercontent.com/nmkUE6bI6eWMO9Q6gx7uyFoFCL8KwawNkS50ZHWmzoUQOrOuoEn7LcxGr9dIut0iI JP
20https://i.ur.com/ESjsjiE.png Atelier Resleriana Global RIP
20https://i.ur.com/85byKym.png Re: Dive 214310407 JP Retired
20https://i.ur.com/J2HKdqe.png Last Bullet Retired
20https://i.ur.com/n3VfD9R.jpeg Revived Witch RIP
20https://i.ur.com/2k5Tevh.png RIP
PC Games
20https://styles.redditmedia.com/t52rfxx/styles/communityIcon9yj66cjf8oq61.png League of Legends OP.GGhttps://www.op.gg/summoners/ph/Treepy0425 Retired
20https://i.ur.com/MJ9447P.png Overwatch Retired
20https://i.ur.com/sw2aBqi.png Touhou
Artwork Sources
Avatarhttps://twitter.com/i/web/status/811544160746422272 Bannerhttps://canouerenatus.tumblr.com/
Artist: chibihttps://www.pixiv.net/en/users/14914
What do my ratings mean?
Schema for Anime Series:
+ Overall Enjoyment 70
Initial rating is set to 5. If there is a positive bias adaptation is from a manga/ln I already enjoyed the initial rating increases by 1 but if there is a negative bias adaptation is from a manga/ln I disliked the rating decreases by 1. Sequel seasons start with an initial rating of the previous seasons final rating.
For each episode the rating is adjusted based on how much it was enjoyed and the current score:By default if the episode was really enjoyed AND the rating is not already 8 the rating increases by 2 points. If it was enjoyed the rating increases by 1. If it was mid the rating stays the same. If I disliked the episode the rating decreases by 1.
For episodes where the current rating is 9: If the episode was really enjoyed the rating increases by 1. If it was enjoyed the rating remains unchanged. If it was mid the rating decreases by 1. If I disliked it rating decreases by 2.
For episodes where the current rating is 10: If I enjoyed or really enjoyed the episode rating remains unchanged. If it was mid the rating decreases by 2. If I disliked it rating decreases by 3.
+ Voice Acting 15
Subjective rating based on my own tastes and biases.
+ Music 15
Subjective rating based on my own tastes and biases.
Final ratings with 3 significant digits are rounded to nearest ties to even.
Schema for Manga/Films/OVAs old:
10 Top tier
9 A great anime/manga in all aspects. Almost top tier.
8 A good anime/manga in all aspects.
7 An ok anime/manga good but dropped a bit near the end.
6 Average / ok but something severely ruined it.
5 Too many flaws and bad execution
4 bruh
1 Trash
some ratings may be more biased than others
Frieren is the most overrated anime of this decade and Im going to show you why.
Its an empty anime with no story to tell a repetitive series that dwells on the same subject in every episode: the past.
The characters are not at all interesting theyre all onedimensional and poorly written. Frieren is a bland elf who doesnt grasp human emotions. That bluehaired guy whose name escapes me because everything in this anime is easily forgettable is a hero the other group member is an alcoholic priest and the last member is a dwarf. The group could be entirely different and it wouldnt affect the plot because the characters are essentially nothing representing nothing and entirely replaceable.
The animes story is dull and poorly crafted making it impossible to convince someone to watch it by describing the plot because nothing happens in this anime. Everything is vague simple tasteless and empty.
The animation is slightly above average leading some casual viewers to believe that this anime is the pinnacle of fiction similar to what happened with Demon Slayer. The soundtrack is forgettable you could watch it without sound and it wouldnt make a difference.
In summary Frieren is an empty work with forgettable characters. The animation might fool some into thinking its a good anime but its not. I recommend Frieren only for those dealing with insomnia because its one of the most potent sleep aids in recent times.
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420https://canoue.jp/image/bancanouefw.jpg https://www.fwinc.co.jp/music/canoue/
Genre Overview
Slice of Life
Total Anime
Days Watched
Mean Score
Total Manga
Chapters Read
Mean Score