If you dont like Masaaki Yuasa get up out my trap house. Ratings rubric: 10: Godtier. Absolutely legendary. There is nothing about it that I would change. I relate to it on a profound level. 9: An amazing piece of work that is significantly above average in multiple ways. May have weaknesses but the weaknesses are very few and are far outweighed by its outstanding strengths. There are some things I would change but the changes I would make are minor. 8: A highly enjoyable work that I would strongly recommend to anyone but I recognize that there are some noticeable flaws. Nonetheless these works receive almost nothing but praise from me. 8s and above are considered mustwatch material. 7: Good production value with an interesting premise. Worth watching for most anime fans but not mandatory. Weaknesses are noticeable enough that they may significantly detract from enjoyment depending on ones taste. 6: My feelings toward a 6 are ultimately positive but there are many negative things I could say about a 6. Would not recommend a 6 to someone unless I knew it specifically aligned with their tastes. 5: The highest rating that I would drop. 5s are the best of the worst. The overall experience is boring but they do have a few redeeming qualities that may provide moments of enjoyment. 4: Extremely bland. Not necessarily terrible but also not worth watching. 3: This anime is straight up not good. I would encourage you to actively avoid it. 2: Basically the same as a 3 but its weaknesses are even more pronounced and appalling to me on a personal level. 1: The worst thing ever. You would have to try to be this bad. No redeeming qualities.

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89 Entries
88 Entries
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74 Entries
71 Entries
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