920https://media2.giphy.com/media/n9VVj9eCtAW1tANhm2/giphy.gif?cid=790b7611fb7aeb8c3165aaa4b0035d36a523786662ba8713rid=giphy.gifct=g I am a anime fan manga reader sometimes i read Vn watch movies or others is essential to say that i may not uptade my anilist or be very active here on anilist bc of my daily life at university or bc of work or others . I like to consume some piece of media for the starters i like some romance in the story bc my life has hardly romance in it but thats just a reason i have multiple anime on hold and others but thats not that i hate them or sth like that i just got bored or forgot about them and see sth else . I have multiple Franchise and series that i love and also i like to make cosplay i mean to buy some cosplay and go to comiccon in cosplay 420https://discord.c99.nl/widget/theme3/472728041018228746.png Feel free to add me on discord 2020 Badges 2021 Badges I rate anime and manga base by enjoyment in principal . 10 in favorite 9.5 9.9 also in favorite or close to favorite 9.1 9.5 close to favorite 9 great 8.5 great or very good 8 very good 7 good 6 ok 5 Mediocre 4 bad lets just say that anime clearly bad for me in an enjoyment point of view 3 very bad 2 Horrible 1 What it was in my head at that time when i watched/read that Bellow 1 I want to forget that i watched/read that Links:220https://loucosporgeek.com.br/wpcontent/uploads/2021/02/MyAnimeListLogo.jpg https://myanimelist.net/profile/IustinMakihige 220https://iconape.com/wpcontent/files/cm/286303/svg/iconlogologoiconpngsvg.png https://www..com/channel/UCPrEKVW9OS9ZiPeTNyNgMbA?viewas=subscriber 220https://logosworld.net/wpcontent/uploads/2020/10/SteamEmblem.png https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198361047978

Genre Overview

644 Entries
632 Entries
496 Entries
479 Entries
397 Entries
Total Anime
Days Watched
Mean Score
Total Manga
Chapters Read
Mean Score
