Review Scale
10 Masterpiece that I will return to time and time again.
9 Amazing but has one or 2 minor flaws that keep it from perfection.
8 Great really enjoyed a lot to a deep level would classify as one of my favourite.
7 Really good would watch again. Enjoyed it more than most.
6 Enjoyed it but not enough to watch again.
5 Has some good qualities but ultimately mixed on
4 less redeeming qualities than bad qualities not enjoyable
3 Mostly bad maybe one or two interesting parts but pretty bad
2 All bad no redeeming qualities but not too offensive
1 Offensively bad like terrible I dont know how anything in this tier ever gets released
AOTS = Anime of the Season
2019 Present
Total Anime
Days Watched
Mean Score
Total Manga
Chapters Read
Mean Score