24 Schizoid Disappointed and tired Technically play Honkai and less so Genshin ask UID As of 2023 I barely update my list but I do still read a lot of stuff. 400https://64.media.tumblr.com/468448d05eb675a03975267819e4f3e1/c450cbae49307bed60/s500x750/5c1e2e675976c35daec36729773d3f8bcae7fc45.gifv TLDR: I like slowburn/subtle/vague romance Realistic/semirealistic/unique artstyles Realistic dialogue/believable characters Fluid animation CGI or regular Gore Ero Guro Body Horror LGBT exclusively +asexual that are realistic. I hate: Unrealistic effeminate guys like Ventietc with female proportions/faces/voices excluding normal kids when guysgirls of same age have very different proportions male are realistic/average while female has tiny kid proportions moe and loli adults/teens that sound/act like 5 yrs olds lgbqtiabcd+ pandering fujoshi bait borderline/fullon glorified pxdo/hebephile shows/manga/etc. If youre fine with MOGAI/xeno kindly do not follow me. 300https://media1.tenor.com/images/a6238ffca2bdb27d640fc821dcc99aea/tenor.gif?itemid=10846971 Scoring system: 100 is between pretty good and flawless. Near impossible since most stuff if not everything as some sort of flaws 90 is pretty great. Barely any problems minor technical issues etc 80 is great/good. Mostly good might have little things here and there 70 is good/ok. Nothing bad but not quite there. My average 60 is ok/average. Basically wasted potential. Might have clumsy flow or animation or soundetc 50 is average/bland. Also wasted potential. Too by the books a copypaste formula of x genre 40 is bland/boring. So bland and nothing that its most likely not worth your time. Wasted potential x3 30 is boring/garbage. Its still bland and boring but worse... 3 and less might be ironically enjoyable 20 is garbage/failure. Garbage with good animation/art and such. 10 is a complete failure. Everything is lacking story art animation dialogue... fuck you basically. P.S.: I might like some of the shit I rate 5 and down. But I recognize it is well not good. I rarely wont like 8 and up though 300https://66.media.tumblr.com/1df9e8bd474f36a157e2b8fda24e28f7/2c32b4b283d924a45d/s540x810/fd0b34c112ede70c5a553c846099248bc2522b25.gif How I score things: I usually score movies and such with two numbers enjoyment and general actual quality. Here is a bit more subjective mixing both scores. I try to put fair and balanced lower scores. I FREQUENTLY downgrade my scores or upgrade. Low score doesnt always mean the show is crap but that the camera work might suck ass while the story is good or the story sucks but the animation is stellar etc etc. 400https://66.media.tumblr.com/2670d00e55fc387f225622aad3f08a21/bab05be8959b5e3a31/s540x810/8c4f3c6dade45cf62c4fcac9ab934f2cfafdd93e.gifv Things Im into: Slice of life romance seinen/josei sports nonsense humor or clever satire stuff. But anything has potential Psychological horror drama thriller dubious stuff themes like rape/torture etc. ONLY if shown in a you should be disgusted way Tragic endings bittersweetness ambiguous endings Tasteful artthemed gore with subtext or just well drawn gore Clever subtext show not tell Very slowpaced stories or slowpaced Cosy sweet subtle cuteness. Not loud obnoxious kinds... Characters focused stories and their interactions with one another. If done realistically Semi realistic realistic or unique looking anime styles Not copypaste generic looking artstyles Good and realistic mouth animation like in Akira Wellmade art backgrounds etc and smooth animation. When the background characters actually move/react and arent immobile 400https://media1.tenor.com/images/bad35ad117cec5261297e3600cedaacb/tenor.gif?itemid=16544140 Things that make my eyes roll/pet peeves Nihilism done wrong... theres a fine line. Trying to be deep without subtlety. Or edgy without a certain tone Forced angst drama or abuse with no reason. Its not clever Im not gay/like guys but I like you x1000. Bisexual Unrealistic everyone accept x instantly fujoshi author selfinserts. Loud =/= funny/cute Bad lipsyncing I will drop or very bland mouth animation that just open and closes: 400https://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblrm90z5xPtSL1rcchb1o2500.gif Things I cant stand Mary Sue characters unless satire. Useless/whiny/etc protagonists. Characters deep as a puddle Exposition. Bad or forced character dialogue/drama for the heck of it Huge inconsistency in artstyle. Unless its a chibi thing. Glorified rape and abuse. Glorified pxdo/child grooming. Those subjects are fine as a story themselves but NOT glorified to make it cute or sexy Clich overload cute girls doing cute things and boy equivalent legal loli etc 400https://pa1.narvii.com/6513/9cdc71576a7617a8cb156bf7dffd22f2e2a8e96ehq.gif BIGGEST TURN OFFs: Clich effeminate shota/tr4p/short guys and their moe/loli equivalent. Even worse if in skimpy outfits ex: god Venti outfit Clich shy softspoken shota/bishounen tr4p voice that never seems to be on any other characters than a guy that look like a preteen kid/chick Pedo bait animes horny teens/adult characters that wont shut up about boobs every other page Alpha/Beta/Omega things its disgusting 400https://i.ur.com/l0CdumE.gif 400https://goodnerdbadnerd.com/wpcontent/uploads/2019/08/TheCroaking.jpg
Total Anime
Days Watched
Mean Score
Total Manga
Chapters Read
Mean Score
