
莉犬, Riinu-kun (莉犬く), Koinu (こいぬ)
Birth:May 24, 1998
Hometown:Tokyo, Japan
Twitterhttps://twitter.com/rinunico Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/riinukun/ YouTubehttps://www..com/channel/UCpcGAVuBSJEFs48MBxhf9eg TikTokhttps://www.tiktok.com/riinukun Introduction: Rinu alternatively known as Riinukun otherwise known as Koinu is a Japanese vocalist voice actor lyricist and member of the entertainment group Strawberry Princehttps://anilist.co/staff/180347/StrawberryPrince. He is also affiliated with the Dolce 2D idol project. He has a cute and girlish tenor voice much like a kids and can be misheard as a females. However as heard in his cover of Inokori Senseihttp://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm28712230 he can sing in a lower tone as well. Rinu often uses autotune in his covers making his voice a bit unclear but in his cover of Donor Songhttps://www..com/watch?v=T9nPMgp57ps he was able to clearly sing several high notes. He is also a fan of adding small speaking parts into his covers such as in his cover of Toluthin Antennahttps://www..com/watch?v=O7nhSCMc8z8. Biography: Rinu started appearing in the utaite scene back in 2015 singing duet covers with Youikahttps://utaite.fandom.com/wiki/Youika. He eventually did his first solo cover in 2016 on the song Netgame Haijin Sprechchorhttp://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm27953589. Later on following certain events he would come out on twitter on September 2nd 2017 about being a FTM transgenderhttps://twitter.com/differentoceans/status/1024511663528009728?s=19 while additionally sharing his thoughts and life experiences with gender dysphoria transphobia and bullying up to this point. He has ultimately decided he has a gender identity disorder and that he is a man. His most popular song as of October 12 2019 is his cover of Onegai Darlinghttps://www..com/watch?v=NAv0TcF1Gz4 with more than 14.3 million views combined YouTube + Niconico. Other than making covers Rinu often makes various skits and records gameplay with other members of his group Strawberry Prince which can be found on both his channel and the Strawberry Prince channel. Additionally it can be assumed from the amount of covers that the two have done together as well as the amount of gameplay videos and skits that the member he is closest to is Roothttps://anilist.co/staff/181478/Root.