
Website Profile Peak A Soul Blog JP Twitter Formed: 2002 as a twopiece unit 2003 as a solo unit Disbanded: 2003 as a twopiece unit Biography: CooRie was a Japanese selfproduced twopiece music unit under record labels Mellow Head and Lantis consisting of the members Rino and Naoyuki Osada where Rino would perform the vocals and do the lyrics while Osada would do the composition and arrangement. About a year after they formed Osada would formally leave the unit in 2003 which is also when they disbanded as a twopiece unit. Rino decided to reform the music unit as a solo unit after Osadas departure and has since been the sole member who now performs the vocals while also doing most of the lyrics and composition in the songs. When it comes to the arrangement the unit largely collaborates with other creators most prominently Kaoru Ookubo who has made the arrangement for 19 of CooRies songs between 2005 and 2015. Members: Rino vocalist and incharge of lyrics and composition Former Members: Naoyuki Osada keyboardist and incharge of composition and arrangement