Kouji Morimoto

Birth:Dec 26, 1959
Years active:1979-Present
Hometown:Wakayama Prefecture, Japan
Twitterhttps://twitter.com/kojimorimoto Websitehttp://www.kojimorimoto.com Fan of anime such as Lupin the 3rdhttps://anilist.co/anime/1412/Lupinthe3rd/ and Future Boy Conanhttps://anilist.co/anime/302/FutureBoyConan/ after graduating from the Osaka Designers college he joined MADHOUSEhttps://anilist.co/studio/11/MADHOUSE and soon after Studio Annapuruhttps://anilist.co/studio/583/Annapuru. He wanted to work with esteemed Director Osamu Dezakihttps://anilist.co/staff/100393/OsamuDezaki since Gambas Adventurehttps://anilist.co/anime/5267/GambasAdventure/ was particularly striking to him. Interested in effects animation he cites Yoshinori Kanadahttps://anilist.co/staff/106398/YoshinoriKanada and Kazuhide Tomonagahttps://anilist.co/staff/110219/KazuhideTomonaga as major influences. He had his first breakthrough as animator on Space Adventure Cobrahttps://anilist.co/anime/2451/SpaceAdventureCobra/ and Golgo 13: The Professionalhttps://anilist.co/anime/1760/ in which his effects work and fun character animation was highly praised. Later his work became increasingly more experimental combining his animation with intricate art design and CGI. During his period at Annapuru he befriended Takashi Nakamurahttps://anilist.co/staff/102031/TakashiNakamura and the two worked on several projects together even after leaving the studio. Katsuhiro Ootomohttps://anilist.co/staff/96872/KatsuhiroOotomo recognized his talent and Morimoto became a key figure in many of his works. He debuted as Director on Robot Carnivalhttps://anilist.co/anime/2182/RobotCarnival/. In 1985 he founded Studio 4Chttps://anilist.co/studio/13/ alongside former Ghibli producer Eiko Tanakahttps://anilist.co/staff/103607/TanakaEiko. He would later leave the studio in 2011. Married to Atsuko Fukushimahttps://anilist.co/staff/118789/.