Idleness is the beginning of all vice the crown of all virtues. Franz Kafka 500 Koko wa Ima kara Rinri desu. We Shall Now Begin Ethics. Hereafter simply referred to as Ethics. Preface unrelated to the review itself: Once upon a time a child was born into this world. This child despite wanting only the best for their friends and family in the pursuit of growing up succeeded in the exact opposite. Their existence brought animosity between their parents leading to a separation. The child thought Is daddy going away because of me? Is it because I always took mommys side? ... Their inability to read the room and their want to assert themselves lead to a myriad of egregious situations between them and their friends. This child became a teenager and this teenager learned that each individual held their own set of beliefs or philosophies. This teenager learned of ideology. What was this teenagers own ideology they wondered? ... and wondered... and wondered......... ... Its bothersome to have different ideologies to others is the answer this teenager came up with. Perhaps a lack of ones own ideology was in itself the ideology this teenager had come to understand as their own? And so this teenager went forth with this. They conformed to any group they were a part of. Friends family classmates the teenager identified with each. This way they found it was no longer bothersome. Their family would no longer argue their friends would no longer become mad at them and yet within this ideology which serves to give one their purpose their sense of individuality this teenager lost something very important. They lost their ability to live. You see to live and to exist are two very different things. The teenager had never truly been happy they had never truly felt fulfilled. Instead the path they took was one of survival. A path that let them live day by day without the fear of losing those around them without the pain of hurting or being hurt. And from there the teenager simply existed... but had this teenager ever truly been living in the first place? Did they ever hold passion? ... And so the teenager reached adulthood. The adult started their own family got married had two beautiful children one son and one daughter. They came together and created this safehaven a perfect family. One full of joy with no hardship and a loving environment for nurturing their kin. With this the adult thought My life was devoid of passion. I missed out on my opportunity to do a great many things. My vision may have been tenuous and so this is my choice my most salient solution. I have created life I am nurturing life. As I approach my twilight years and leave this world perhaps my act of creation has shifted the tides of the living. Maybe with this... I did not just exist. Through my choices my convictions my hopes and dreams to nurture children of my flesh and blood... have I lived? ... And so the childs story comes to an end. Perhaps a single story is nothing in the grand scheme of things but is that really the case? For many of us Im sure a single story woven with precise detail and intricate emotion is enough to create an impact. A single story may bring us up from our deepest despairs it may knock us down from the peak of our highest hopes it may connect us dragging us away from loneliness. A single story is enough to change lives. The study of Ethics Ethics are by all means unneccesary. This series itself lets you know as much. Ethics is simply something we use to decide between what is right and wrong. But we have common sense so why is this necessary? Once again it is not. However something being unneccesary has never meant it is not useful. Learning to ride a bike to cook even to swim none of these are deemed as necessary and yet they are all widely considered useful skills. Of course in the end the series of Ethics is a manga. It is something made to entertain if it failed at such it would not be worth your time. The series touches upon the wider moral compass and how we use it in our every day lives. As previously mentioned to know between right and wrong the study of ethics is not necessary. However it helps. And so this series comes into play. Why should you read Ethics? Ethics as a series will help you to engage more into the ethical study of principles. Not only does it help but chances are if you have any interest in the themes of philosophy human psychology or episodic narratives you will enjoy this work to a great extent. The series does a great job at elucidating some every day issues or taxing experiences easy for many people to resonate with. Ever felt like your freedom has led you to become anxious due to an inability to make irreversible choices? Perhaps do you suffer from a lack of motivation to do every day things on a common basis? Conceivably you may just have an interest in the study of ethics itself. I certainly deem this story a mustread to everyone. Why everyone you may wonder? Well this series does not stretch from the realm of reality. I believe there is at least something for everyone to take away from this work. It may not be lifechanging it may seem somewhat pretentious at times but still I believe you will find something to take away. Because Ethics is a series that beautifully portrays something very simple that we often take for granded the act of living. Ethics and its relations to humanity in a modern society Although it is often very easy to decipher between what is right and what is wrong there are a plethora of circumstances today where despite clearly being seen as wrong continue to breed vice. So what benefit does reading Ethics have for you due to it being written in a modern day society? Simply put this series helps put into perspective the virtue and vice of mankind we see in media on the internet or even coming up in conversations. Oftentimes we dont delve deep into such things sometimes we may not even give things a second thought. However a refined knowledge garnered interest in ethics generally leaves one more inclined to further their knowledge on everyday situations pertaining to judgement via moral compass. And so this is a simple needless yet useful advantage of Ethics. The character of Takayanagi Takayanagisensei is the main character of Ethics. From my understanding Takayanagi oftentimes serves as a mouthpiece for Shiorisensei. He is by all means a teacher. Not just to the students in his class but to us the readers as well. The knowledge offered in Ethics whether it be the simple study of what ethics are memorable quotes from well or lesser known philosophers within our history or relations of how to apply ethics in our daily lives is always given through Takayanagisensei. Im sure many of you do not have particularly fond memories of your teachers from your time in education. Takayanagi however is a teacher that Im sure is a figure many of us would have appreciated in our own lives while we studied in classrooms. However is it really too late for that? I dont think so. When reading Ethics I feel an established sense of studentteacher relationship between me as a reader and Takayanagi as a character Despite him being just that a character I truly felt a part of his classroom while reading Ethics. And Im sure it is not just me. Maybe youll find your experience similar. Illustrations that carry weight In my own opinion art is a truly relative subject. Great art for a particular series may become notsogreat art if placed upon another series. However the art for Ethics is a superb match. It is apparent that each stroke of the brush that has been put into this work has been enacted with such fine detail. And yet that fine detail is in its own sense an oxymoron in and of itself as it is what divulges the simplicity of the story that has been laconically imbued throughout each chapter. The illustrations each help you become more invested with the emotion of each episodic narrative in the series. It did not disappoint whatsoever. A lesson made enjoyable Im sure the act of learning itself may not bring fond memories for everyone. A lot of the time learning is simply for the sake of achieving a passing grade putting us on a path to success or simply for stability. Sure there are people out there who find areas of study suited to their passion that they can wholeheartedly enjoy. However despite this many people do not consider learning and enjoyment to go hand in hand. This is an area in which Ethics truly shines. Its broad narrative can be depicted as a lesson as it surely does teach us the fundamentals of ethics and perhaps more about humanity and our own individuality along the way. However it is enjoyable. To those looking for a dramatised slice of life to those looking for a good philosophical series in relation to our moral capacity to those looking for a psychological base to a story woven in reality. It is enjoyable. Right or Wrong the verdict of the moral compass Ethics ia a series made to inspire. Ethics is a series made to educate. Ethics is a series made to relate with. Greater than all Ethics is a series made to be enjoyed. For what reason if not enjoyment do we read manga in the first place? If you have read this review I hope you take the time to at least check out this series. If you have any interest in philosophy ethics drama slice of life or even if you arent interested in any of these and just happen to be looking for something to check out I insist that you check out Ethics. It is something special within the industry that I feel is currently unmatched in the medium. And in the end for us to garner an interest there must be a catalyst to cultivate it. Perhaps Ethics could be that catalyst for you... Class dismissed 500
95 /100
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