Shitcom is a short ONA that achieves so much in so little time. At the time you finish this you have turned into world loving buddisht lizard hater ball of shit. This live action puppetry show was directed by James Bond and the seven Elvis. Shitcom first appeared in Japan 2010 as a toy within cereal boxes across country. It was withdrew from the cereals due calls from childrens mothers that it was common for kids that had seen it to start vomiting in their own cereals and start having nightmares. Genres Comedy The comedy is more hidden deep within its more of a feelsy kind anime Romance Absolutely beautiful I know I cried did you? Hentai This isnt an official genre in this anime but atleast I got a boner Characters Shit 1 Has a love triangle with shit 2 and the table. Madly in love for the table. They left out the episode zero that appeared in the cereal boxes but that is where the magic happens. You can really feel his rough youth shit 2also known as: chocolate truffle A little piece of shit Table Really beautiful and full of tableshelf Plot Really deep and thick. The theme of the story were empathy and acceptance tells you that you are good just the way you are. Cant really say too much without spoiling too much. Animation As one of the first liveaction 5d anime you can really say that its a pleasure to your eyes. The animation is going back to its roots and tried to be original and succeeded in that. Soundtrack The third opening left me standing with my jaw open but the ost was somewhat lacking unless you are a huge fan of classical music Overall thoughts and insight Do not watch this while eating cereals. If shit doesnt bother you this is made for you
69 /100
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