This is my first manga review so please go easy on me. Spoilers ahead but you can honestly finish this manga in less than a minute and I recommend you do.
What can I say about this tragic masterpiece comprised of only thirteen words? It is an obvious parody on the similar or This Crocidile will Die in 100 Days. However it only took the mangaka 1/50th of the time to make a compelling story about life and death.
We are introduced to our main character on Day 1 an unnamed gorilla we are told will die the next day. And spoiler warning they do.
Despite the lack of character development little to no story symbolism or anything else your 8th grade English teacher told you is critical in making a story great it works.
I dont know if anyone else has ever heard about the idea that spoiling a storys ending makes someone more invested. The argument goes that people start to pay more attention to the account. We want to see where it all goes wrong when the sparks began to fly in a relationship or this case the characters life and how they died.
Reflect on other media where we are told at the very beginning that our main character dies: Grave of the Fireflies Hamilton or I Want to Eat Your Pancreas. We intrude into these characters lives seeing how they lived before there is nothing more for us to see. We rejoice in their success and we anguish in their failures. We grew to understand how they became such a unique part of the world around them and we mourn with that world when they are gone. Like a firework they exist momentarily lighting up the world around them everyone relishing in its beauty and longing for it after the final ember fades away.
This is where the manga shines best we are left with a gorilla and thirteen words. There are no complexities to unravel the gorilla exists then it dies.
Its abrupt and at first I laughed because I knew what to expect but I couldnt believe it happened. However after a while I started to reflect on my own experience. A few months ago a close family member passed away after complications resulting from their fight with covid19. The doctors told us that he had a couple of weeks left but later that day he passed away.
Im not going to act all holierthanthou and tell you what this manga is about or what the author Ishida Sui was thinking when making this manga but I can speak for what this manga means to me. For me this manga is about how life waits for no one its not going to be full of close calls and moments for people to start pitying you 100 days before you die itll be abrupt and no amount of planning or preparation will make your death any less shocking to those around you.
So live your life to the fullest and tell your loved ones how much they mean to you because one day they will be gone and you will be too.