MAJOR SPOILERS READ AT YOUR OWN PERIL YE MEN OF LITTLE FAITH Man is condemned to be free because once thrown into the world he is responsible for everything he does. It is up to you to give life a meaning. JeanPaul Sartre Oh Suddenly Egyptian God is that meaning. To label it simply as anime would be an unforgivable disgrace to the subject matter. It is far more than just a show far more than art far more than any fallible human concepts could frame. It simply is. It shall always be. Oftentimes we find ourselves concerned with the transience of life with the purposeor lack thereofwe find ourselves endowed with. We agonize over the smallest detail in our lives wondering thinking dreaming. Was it all worth it? No one can truly say. We are not blessed with divine purpose regardless of what one may claim. Oh Suddenly Egyptian God is different. Immensely so. It is an iron pillar in this ocean of despair. An oasis in the midst of desolation. Perfection comparable only with itself. Just as the iceberg sunk the great ship Titanic so shall this show create great faults in our society. The shortcomings of modern philosophy shall become apparent and the world shall descend into anarchy. There is no more purpose there is no more certainty. There shall only be people alone in their desperation. They have seen the end and it spoke Japanese. I have come to love myself for who I am for who I was and for who I hope to become. Yet even with that I shall be nothing. Do not despair at your own inadequacy it is only natural to find oneself lacking in comparison to the divine. Rather be glad that you shall be outlasted by that which is far greater than yourself far greater than any of us. Unlike Oh Suddenly Egyptian God we all die someday. To fear death is human and so we have created institutions to assuage concerns of mortality. Religion and myth heaven and hell redemption and punishment. Now there is no need for such institutions. There is no heaven after death for we have already experienced heaven on Earth. I doubt you could even imagine it. That which commands the stars giving life its fullest brilliance. Oh Suddenly Egyptian God. Oooooooooohhhhhh Suddenly Egyptian God. Created by someone or something. Dont tell me you dont see it. Look up at the sky. It burns. Yes Indeed. It is called Egypt where the transitory lands of the Gods converge. In venturing East the pilgrims discover the truth of the old words. The fire fades. Thoth goes without eggs. When the link of fire is threatened the bell tolls. Unearthing the Gods of Egypt from their graves. Thoth saint of the eggs. Anubis lord of the seesaw. And the reclusive god of the sun Ra the Boatsman. The egg shall rise.
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