This manga is truly one of a kind. The setting it takes place is interesting enough. People might think the mangas primary focus when it comes to art is to show off women in a lusty angle but that isnt the only thing that was perfect. The detailed character expressions in certain panels are beautifully drawn with the necessary exaggerations needed for us to understand how strong the situation is. Those expressions look like a different art style altogether which shows how versatile and good the artist is.
Now coming to the story it had a good start and went on very well till the end of the second arc with thrilling moments and close calls. But the sports festival arc is when the story feels like an OVA. A stretched out OVA that is.
Personally Im not a fan of OVAs because they dont contribute to story/character development and it neither explains the characters motives nor stays coherent with them. If you share this view I guess you can understand why I say this feels like a stretched out OVA.
The sports festival arc is something which is supposed to be like 45 manga chapters. I mean how much can a few days be stretched to match the content scale of an arc? To fill the gaps the author shows the school chairmans side of things who happens to be stuck in some adventure of his own without any explanation. And the way those boys were molded to be used as mere tools for victory made me feel like they are not the main focus in the story. The cavalry battle was so long I had to speedrun the entire thing without giving a damn about explanations. The only things that interested me were the backstories of the girls Mari Kate and Meiko. Ill talk about the ending later.
But there are notable positives to this manga:
1. Humor: This manga has some of the best comedic scenes Ive seen. Theyre funny because it doesnt make sense. Ive laughed out loud reading some of those. Its really tough to make me laugh because of my weird sense of humor and reading texts or images usually wont do the job. But if this manga really did make me laugh then damn I will recommend reading this.
2. Sexual content: Most of this mangas essence is about straight male sexual fantasies. From the very reason why the boys were imprisoned to their end goal everything revolves around sexual content. Scenarios where the characters end up in an unwanted position forming some deep bonds over it satisfies any carnal cravings a man has. I dont mean to say that women cannot enjoy this manga. To each their own right?
3. Ending: MAJOR SPOILER HERE. Now some people might have stopped reading this review and mash their keyboards in rage saying THE ENDING IS THE HUGE NEGATIVE OF THIS MANGA HOW DARE YOU. But if you are still staying here reading please understand the based opinion of mine.
As many mainstream manga stories give a satisfying ending people grew accustomed to that. And their brains are molded to think theories which makes them feel good. Various fan theories come up online expressing how they ship certain characters and want them to be together in the end and in most manga at least one of those ships come true making the fans happy. But is this the right way? Is this how things must happen in the story? Was there no point where the author thought No this isnt what I want my characters to do.? Todays standards of a good manga or story in general has been set that it must have a satisfying ending. But this puts the writer in shackles. Basically its the fans writing the story in the end not the author. If you feel dissatisfied that Chiyo became a manhating ruthless woman because Kiyoshi wore Hanas underwear you accept that and move on. Because its the authors story and they can do whatever they want with the characters lives. It is their way of interpreting what happens next. If you dont want that hideous ending to burn your eyes then you are free to make your fan theory as a doujin and publish it in I dont know 4chan or something. But this is the truth and if it doesnt appeal to your tastes too bad. This ending serves as a blow to the face for people who think they can make anything go their way. Sometimes you have to adapt to reality. By showing negativity or harassing the author just because the ending didnt go their way shows how narrowminded the consumers have become. This restricts the creativity of storywriters so much that it pains me. Imagine a world where every story is what the people want it to be. Then whats the fun in reading the story? Its better to let the storywriter write the story because if things like this doesnt happen then we all would be reading the same story again and again in the disguise of new unrelatable characters and a new universe.
So after this big rant Ill say that the ending did surprise me and I was truly entertained by it. This ending is the reason I say this manga is a good one.
The score of 80 is just because the longass sports festival part and just that this manga didnt leave a lasting impression on me. By the logic of my rant I cannot expect any story to be how I want true but this is my opinion of what I liked or disliked. Take it or leave it
So yeah this manga does have unnecessarily long stretches and unexplained scenarios but its worth the read if youre looking for some dirty but hilarious jokes or satisfying your libido.