beware of some spoilers below
Ive never seen an anime that would be such a trashy so poorly written so cliche andfrom perspective of 2020so poorly animated yet at the same time so utterly enjoyable transgressive bold and memorable piece of fiction.
Dont think about mecha fights and dont go into this anime if you like mecha the super robots are just metaphors for characters feelings. The fights literally make no sense and their only purpose is to push forward romance between the main characters or provide a convenient excuse for someone to be absent or someone to be present in a right place and a right time when the plot requires it.
The main focus of this anime is love triangle....WRONG The main focus of this anime is a single person named Himemiya Chikane. Only she seems like an actual character and actively pushes the story forward. Everyone else including her main love interest Himeko and rival Souma is a two dimensional paper cut meant to passively and predictably react to anything Chikane is doing.
Just like she did to Himeko Chikane makes and breaks this anime. Its really hard for me to say what she does without spoiling the best parts but I promise you that if you like y wordsyuri and yandereyou will enjoy her shenanigans. Yandere more than yuri tbh cause if you are looking for some sweet girl x girl romance you aint getting it here friend. And by this I mean you will get that but it wont be sweet nor believable nor particularly humoursunless you like black comedy that is. No matter how much abuse Ckane throws at her sweetheart she will be forgiven and looked up to by girl too pure and too honest to be alive.
You like when your love triangles are fairly well balanced and its a mystery until the very end who will win. I get it. I like it too. But here its obvious that the guy doesnt stand a chance. I almost feel sorry for him but then I remind myself hes just a papercut nobody whose entire personality consists of shouting his desire to protect Himeko. Just in the first episode you have said white kinght scream and get hurt fighting to defend his childhood sweetheart against ancient Chikane takes advantage of her unconscious body behind his back. AND IT GETS EVEN BETTER IN LATER EPISODES
Fanservice? Ecchi? These tags dont represent the nature of Kannazuki no miko accurately. For you see Im 99 convinced that kannazuki no miko was originally supposed to be hentai its just that maybe at last possible moment the studio decided to shortenbut not remove some of the more risque sex and rape scenes and call it a day.
Art and animation didnt age well. Unlike ost and songs by Kotokosama which are just glorious. The voice acting and all seemed fine too tho it kinda suffers from syndrome of fairly young men having voices of old hobos.
Most importantly Chikanes ahahahaha psychotic laugh was as graceful as ahahaha laugh should be so I wont complain
Overall this isnt just a trainwreck. This is a glorious trainwreck of epic proportions. its objectively bad but subjectively precious anime that I can wholeheartedly recommend to every fan of y word