The TV Show is not actually a TV show but a short little 2009 music video directed by Sugimoto Kousuke with music by Manabe Takayuki. The video lacks dialogue or lyrics so any semblance of story is told purely through the visuals and the upbeat electronic track serving as the soundtrack.
The video rapidly jumps around between a variety of scenes all of which have different art styles and monochromatic shading. These scenes are linked through a series of screens. Whether its a tiny TV at a noodle shop an advertisement at a baseball game or a bus passengers cell phone each scene has some visual connection to the previous and next one and since the screen in every scene is showing an image thats a different color from the rest of the scene it really draws attention to the screens and makes them pop.
As the video continues through the variety of scenes through the variety of screens I wish these two words werent quite so similar because this review has potential to get really confusing one begins to wonder what exactly is real and what isnt. Its a form of mise en abyme where the true image is not exactly clear. While an animation studio watching part of the show theyre creating or the police watching surveillance footage of a robbery in progress both have a clear connection those two dont have any connection to each otheruntil of course the scenes start interacting with each other directly.
The aforementioned police begin chasing the robber through all these scenes in quick succession and as they interact with each scene the barriers between these realities begin to blur even further with different characters in different colors and different artstyles beginning to collide in ways that shouldnt be possible if some of these scenes are fictions and others are reality.
So what exactly does this little video mean? Well it could be a commentary on how television and broadcasting technology are able to make the world a smaller place connecting us in ways we never thought possible. Or perhaps its a statement about the fall of television and the rise of social media. After all it was created in 2009 right as social media was really starting to bloom and enter public consciousness in full force. By 2009 most people had Facebook. Twitter was making a name for itself. YouTube was on its way to becoming the video sharing site. Suddenly foreign places seemed much less foreign because instead of having to rely on the skewed perspective of a broadcasting company to know what was going on in the world everyone had that ability to broadcast. We began to interact with people wed never been able to interact with before. Someone in Alabama could become close friends with someone in Nevada. A person living in France could communicate with a Korean at any time so long as they could speak a common language. Television was a fantastic tool for understanding the world around us just as the first part of The TV Show is interesting to watch. However social media was able to free it from those restrictions just as the latter half of The TV Show when all the different realities blur together becomes something magical.
I could be way off though. This video is dense with tons of things constantly happening in every scene. This is the sort of thing that you almost have to pick apart framebyframe not necessarily because every frame is packed with some hidden meaning but because its packed with details that fly by so quickly. It took me actually watching it after initially writing up this review to catch that all the different colors are the colors in the off air image. So maybe Im wrong. Maybe Im just reaching for possible meaning where there is none so that I have more to put in my review than I thought The TV Show looked pretty nifty.
Maybe Im looking for meaning in something where there is none. If the message of The TV Show is nothing more than heres a catchy song and a video that looks cool thats great too. Because the song is catchy and the video does look cool. Where theres not any meaning to the visuals theyre absolutely packed with so many little details its easy to miss on the first viewing and its so visually dynamic that youll want to watch it again and again. And really thats about all a video of this length really needs. Four stars.