Jojo Part 3 Stardust Crusader is probably the most popular and critically acclaimed Jojo part. There are people who absolutely love it and people who hate it and want it to see BURN. So here is a review which may put you on either side. Please consider on messaging me toward your opinion in my review so yeah... Story BATTLES BATTLES BATTLES/10 Jojo and his buddies Old man Joseph MILF Hunter Kakyoin Proud Indian Avdol everyones favorite Polnareff and scary dog Iggy are on a quest to go to Egypt were DIO is located to save Jotaros MILF mom. DIO however knows of this scheme and decides to send out about 50 minions to beat the team Jojo Part 3 has no shortage of action and fight scenes whatsoever Every chapter is full of them With a hot chick who has the power of magnetism to a gorilla with a humongous ship as a stand. You name it ITS PROBABLY AN ENEMY STAND It gets annoying on some points to be honest but thats what I think. Characters HOT MUSCULAR MEN/10 This is probably Part 3s best aspect. First our main character Jotaro Kujo he is the leader of the group he is a stoic and very muscular man with the hopes to cure his mom and defeat DIO once and for all The main cast is cool too With everyones favorite Joseph Joestar with his antics Iggy being a tsundere dog Kakyoin being the MILF hunter that he is Advol who is one of the most underrated JoBros and Polnareff who is probably the most relatable one of the group. You will truly get attached to them after reading this manga As for the villians only DIO and Hol Horse actually have a defined character For DIO he is really a boring and generic villain bent on WORLD DOMINATION. Hes pretty overrated in my opinion. With Hol Horse I really loved his character and he is probably the best Jojo villain from parts 13 Thats really saying alot Art CLASSIC JOJO/10 Arakis art style improved majorly during the making of this part. With part 1 2 being very disjointed and ugly in my personal opinion. But this time he is back better than ever I love his art in this part This art is the epitome of Arakis art style Everything is well drawn and clear the fight scenes look great the characters look unique and distinguishable. So no complaints toward this category Overall I LOVE ME SOME PART 3/10 If you are a Jojo fan. You will surely love this manga for other newcomers this is a great thrilling and lovable adventure for the ages an experience you will never forget But at some points I admit it really gets boring with the overhaul of fights That is all thank you Please like and subscribe if you like this video can we get 52k likes? Have a great day Jojo connoisseurs
85 /100
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