Mayoiga isnt bad is different.
Mayoiga is a weird anime clearly not intended for any public. If you plan to see it skip this review I will talk about the entire series and my general point of view after I have seen it. It will have spoilers.
In the first place the audience it is aimed at is a public with a depressive tendency this is the clear case of Japan being one of the countries with the highest suicide rate. This is why some of the people who see it here do not quite understand how it can be so bad.
No its not bad you just dont know how to understand it.
It is impossible to deny that it has a large number of characters and most do not have any type of development:
Also at some points it stops being interesting and loses all that mystery in the series about what happens or what happened in that town.
Despite this the series story is perfect dealing with the issues it wants to address. As I mentioned before it deals with part of the problems that lead to depression. That feeling of wanting to flee and start a life from scratch stop paying attention to those problems that have plagued you for years and can simply escape from them. It seems like a utopia but what this series really tries to do is make you see that you have to learn to live with your past and your problems learn from them and try to prevent them from happening again. At the end of the day our experiences are part of us and that will always be the case. That is the message of the series.
Clearly this series is not going to be your medicine to deal with depression but it is already more useful than all those antidepression ads that sometimes all they do is play down the issue or treat it as if it were much worse than in reality is as in those cases that believe that by having depression you want to commit suicide.
Returning to the topic of the previous spoiler
In short the series is not primarily about its history but about its teaching. That is why I think it is different not a bad series without coherence that I do not take away part of the reason It has a much greater message for those who are able to see it before having read this review because how you are really going to understand them is when you you realize not when they explain it to you.