Sword For Truth is a oh hell do I really have to do this? Sword For Truth is such a low effort OVA that was made in the early 90s that it barely deserves me giving an introduction. This review will be fairly short and low effort as a dreadful piece of shit such as this doesnt deserve a higheffort review put into it. There may be some mild spoilers in this review so read at your own risk like it matters anyway.
The story of this poo poo revolves around our main man Sakaki whos a hired swordsman trying to rescue another clans princess. Thats literally it.
Seems like a simple story when I phrase it that way right? Well youd be deadly mistaken. Sword For Truth is ridiculously hard to follow mainly due to how poorly structured this OVA is. We start off at a dojo where people are fighting and some random cat monster comes out. Suddenly our hero makes his debut. Now were at a supermarket. Now were at god knows where listening to our hero and some other bloke spout off pointless exposition that hardly matters in the first place. How could somebody fuck up such a simple storyline?
The characters of this OVA are so unbelievably bland that its honestly hard for me to say anything about anyone. You might as well just replace all the characters in this doo doo with Plank from Ed Edd n Eddy because a slab of wood with a poorly drawn face on it has more personality than the characters in this shitty OVA
The artwork is terrible plain simple. Its so unfathomably bad that its actually hard to tell what things are supposed to be. The backgrounds are so cluttered messy that I genuinely cannot tell what something is actually supposed to be half the time. To rub even further salt into the wound this anime couldnt even get tits right. I want you to consider that for a second the artists on this OVA were either so incompetent or just flat out didnt care for the love of god I hope its the latter enough to draw 2 circles correctly.
The animation or lack there of is just as bad as the artwork if I could sum it up in 3 words Lazy Stilted Flat. Thats all I need to say really. The absolutely horrendous sex scenes speak for themselves.
The sound is probably the least offensive part of this OVA but its still bad. For the record I watched the English Dub its pretty typical honestly. If youve seen any other bad OVA from this time period that had English Dubs attached to them this one is equally as bad if not worse. The voice actors just dont care about their roles which is probably for the best honestly as actually trying on a product this bad would only be wasted effort on their part.
Final Thoughts/Overall:
What the hell do I even say anymore? Sword For Truth is the definition of a bad 90s OVA theres quite literally nothing positive to be said about this anime. Everything fails here its pretty blatantly obvious that there was 0 effort put into this work. I can almost guarantee the people behind this realized how bad what they were working on actually was so they tried making it as bad as possible so that nobody would want to buy it. Is this anime at least enjoyable? HELL NO At least something like Dark Cat or Mad Bull 34 can bring some entertainment to how ridiculously stupid overthetop they are at least Mad Bull actually has halfway decent music attached to it. Sword For Truth has nothing with everything said my final rating is going to be a 1/10 theres absolutely no reason as to why you should torture yourself with this thing like I did. If you want some actually So bad its good OVAs I already mentioned Dark Cat Mad Bull. But Angel Cop is also pretty stellar with its poor quality. Panzer Dragoon Garzeys Wing also come recommended.