Planzet this was a rather terrible movie. A character driven alien invasion movie that doesnt have many characters interesting characters or unique aliens. Whatever they were trying to accomplish with his movie they failed horrendously on every account.
Characterwise it is lacking in many ways. You have a total of 7 characters one of which is a hologram and the other a flashback prologue character. Two military members who get a bit of banter and mentions of family and history so at least an attempt to build them out. You have a Commander who monologues about her father attempts to do some alien killing shows up again at the end. A hologram with 20sec of time to explain something and then disappears. A father who dies and sets up the reasoning behind the main characters. And a brother and sister pair the brother who wants to avenge his father and protect the sister while the sister wants to protect the brother. So they do attempt to give each character some history and characterization.
Unfortunately having so few characters makes the world incredibly lacking and odd. The final military base of the far east coast is staffed by 4 people. They never show any background characters and never mention any background characters. You dont have any establishing shots of a city market or random people going about their day or anything that makes it feel like the world is more than 7 people. Really gives the feeling that they already lost the war if these are the only people left.
The war as a whole Im confused about. This alien ship suddenly appears and destroys Earth and kills Billions but doesnt finish the job? It just slowly responses to attacks killing only when attacked now it seems like. Not a clue why these aliens are even attacking they just kinda are. With the Earth destroyed it seems people are escaping the planet to Mars. Dont know how they are getting past the alien ship or do the aliens just not care about humans and only want the planet. And if the planet is essentially destroyed and most of the population escaped or killed how did they produce the required resources to build the base and the mechs and the weapons to kill the aliens after the aliens already won the first wave.
Im also really confused how anybody pilots the mechs or the final weapon. It never explains or shows any real control mechanism so I have to imagine it is straight magic. He can just magically control the final weapon and survive the final fight.
Visual the movie looks like most cheap 3D CGI movies and shows which is terrible. But I guess you could do worse in 2010. But overall the characters look soft and lack detail. Models seem low quality and textures are really lacking. Various explosions are some of the worst Ive ever seen. Also the designs of the mechs and the ships seem generic and out of place.
Wrapping it up this was a terrible movie and you shouldnt waste your time. Unless you are on a mission to watch every mech anime or something in which I feel bad for you needing to watch the movie.