This Review Contains Spoilers for The Entire Movie. if you still wanna watch the Movie then do that before reading this Review Youve been Warned 520 I have a feeling im a person that doesnt have Standards in anime when ether its being Cynical or just there for having fun. I for one not the kind of person who can tell right away when Something is Style over Substance especially when its in something i am enjoying to the fullest like the Majority of Triggers works. but i can clearly tell you that Fireworks has No Style Nor Substance. because let me tell you this is a Mess At first it doesnt actually doesnt seem to be a Bad Movie. its animated by Studio Shaft which has a decent track record of good shows and movies including Madoka Magica which is one of my favorites had a pretty Great music video to follow its Hype it has the Producer of Your Name in it as it was advertised in Trailers and Posters of the film and all of that sounds like it could be a great movie right? No. Fireworks is probably the Worst Anime movie i have ever seen in my life thats on par with Ni No Kuni so you know its gonna be quite a Disaster 520 so whats the Story about? well it has 3 plots that connects into a Grander story.. i think these 2 Plots are: Plot No. 1 Nazumas Parent problems and romance with Norimichi. also a Love Triangle with Yusuke too with a Sphere that can travel through time Plot No. 2 Norimichis class mates wants to blow up some Fireworks cause they wanna see if theyre Flat or Round Before we get deeper onto the Main Characters and Story lets talk about its Presentation instead the Animation is Awful. the Trailers made the animation look great and almost on par with other beautiful anime films like A Silent Voice... but in the actual movie the 2D animated scenes are really mediocre looking especially for how each and every scene for some reason the characters faces and body proportions are really off and inconsistent to each other. sure there are some nice looking shots and animation bits but its mostly flat and dont get me started on the 3D animation... it just doesnt mix well with the already less than pleasing 2D animation and feels like such a Distraction to the viewer. its not like in Promare were both 2D and 3D animation mixes up well with each other giving it a Beautiful Stylish touch to the film Fireworks is like The Scorpion King levels of unpleasant visuals. aside from that the voice acting is surprisingly bad along side Dialogue that reeks of poorly written. these are all good actors and yet it feels as if the Direction on it is not even trying to make it feel more emotional or stronger than it is which is terrible. the Soundtrack is forgettable at best and at worst Sappy and on the nose with no flair to it Anyway back to the Story and Characters Plot No. 1 Norimichis friends wants to throw some Fireworks because they wanna know if the Fireworks on the Sky are Flat or Round. i wished i was making that up but yeah this is plot 1 and thats about it. feels like it has no impact or really any importance to the plot cause they just wanna see the Fireworks if they are Flat or Round and thats like... boringly dumb and theres also a Haha funny joke about the friends about the Teachers chest Size and it was just dumb and uncomfortable at best.. Plot No. 2 Nazuma is in love with Norimichi so she decides to call him and Yusuke aka the worst character of the whole movie but well get to that later into a Swimming contest and Yusuke wins but in reality she wanted Norimichi because Yusuke doesnt really show off that he has feelings for her as we see her running away from her Mother so it seems like shes in quite the trouble but we dont know quite yet why.. maybe is it abuse? and then theres the Marble that is the driving force that keeps the movie going. so whenever you throw this Ball as far as you can it can make you travel back to the previous point you mention as the Ball is thrown like say I wanted to be there with her and give a hand and then you go back into that moment from where you were so you could change the future. the Rules of how to use the sphere is very straight forward but.. what is this thing made of and how does it can even do that? guess what? The movie never explains about it and its a huge Plot Hole that can ruin someones experience on wanting to know more about it. im not into being too picky with Plot Holes but this was the first movie to bother me the MOST about it Now onto the Characters. everyone is literally forgettable and serves nothing aside from moving the plot forward to whatever it goes into. only 3 characters here matters aka the Love Triangle 520 This is Norimichi. he has no personality aside from being a main character that doesnt have anything special inside of him aside from being another Pretty boy Main character which is somehow even more bland than other Main characters who are considered Tiring and Boring in animes recently. he also cant make up his mind sometimes like when hes about to go out with Nazuma because of the Date thingy but at his house hes like I cant cause im too scared but then a minute later he decides to go out with her anyways so like... what was the point of that scene? so yeah hes not the WORST Main character ever written but man is he a Boring character 520 Nazuma is just yet another Generic female character and theres barely any sort of good character development or story that i could follow about her to make me care about it.. her plot about her mother forcing her to go away with her whenever they go to a new place cause she got a new Boyfriend like... ok??? theres also this one kinda cute scene on the Train when shes talking to Norimichi about her Feelings and how she wants to be a Singing Idol and again why should i care when this character barely have made me invested on her because of Parenting issues.. and the Music and scene itself isnt even Powerful or good because of that HORRIBLE part where everything simply turns into a CGI Fairy Tale and its Horrifying : 520 and then you have Yusuke. i HATE Yusuke with a loving passion. you know that First time on the timeline that he wins instead of Norimichi? well when Nazuma asks for his help while hanging out with his Friends when she goes away with her mom by Force he just Laughs at her like Ha. Girls theyre so silly am i right?? and on the other time line where Norimichi wins Yusuke gets so jealous with Norimichi that at one point he gets unecessarily mad at him that at one point when he sees Norimichi and Nazuma together on the Lighthouse he PUSHES THEM FROM THE LIGHTHOUSE TO LET THEM DIE i mean of course they dont actually die because they had the Time Travel Sphere but if it happened without it id confirm that Yusuke is a Horrible person by this scene alone and the others before it. I cant see a single person who enjoys this character who would legit kill his own friends because of Love. hes the main reason i hate this movie so much.. 520 As for the Ending? well.. i dont even know what the Hell happened and i dont care about it. but to keep things simple the Time Travel Sphere that the main characters had was simply left off laying around the Beach and then a guy who was responsible for the Fireworks just like... put the thing on the Fireworks launcher fires to the Sky and... glasses containing peoples desires starts to fall from the Sky and im supposed to feel anything about it? even the Music that ill admit its very beautiful doesnt make the scene any more interest or strong. and then at the end of the movie we see the Teacher calling the students names and when they call up Norimichi and Nazumas name they dont respond cause they disappeared or run away? who knows if this was a Bittersweet ending or not cause the Entire experience was a Spicy Trash Fire if you ask me Im sorry if my Review will end up feeling complicated and a bit hard to follow with my mediocre English and I really hate being overly negative with something like this and i know how theres so many people who loved this movie and i respect that. anyone can enjoy this movie regardless of what i say to them or not. Anyone can love a anime as much as they want... i Loved Space Patrol Luluco for crying out loud and thats one of the least talked Trigger animes out there since people mostly talk about their other stuff.. but im sorry. this Movie was shockingly terrible as every minute felt like an annoyance sign of Boredom or just lacking enjoyment on the Plot it may not be the Worst movie ever made overall as theres plenty of worst animated or just overall movies in general that deserve worse.. but this is almost as bad as those for me..
10 /100
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