Gundam Build Divers Review Yknow Im sure Build Divers wasnt all that bad but I found myself seriously disappointed in it for a few reasons... The biggest and most glaring issue with the show itself anyway for me was one that might initially seem fairly nitpicking but that seriously got on my nerves over the course of the show with that being the characters obsession with retrospection. Let me explain. Around the half way mark it started to feel like the characters were spending more time looking back on their previous experiences and explaining for the hundredth time how much they meant to them rather than actually progressing the story. I feel like they could have got twice as much done in the time they spent just thinking about what they had already done. And yes this may be a petty grievance to most but I found it really annoying for whatever reason. I also found the characters to be largely two dimensional and boring to watch leading to a definite lack of engagement with their struggles. On top of that the show lacked a solid end goal for its characters to work towards so the whole thing started to feel pointless anyway. And instead of having one or two characters fill the role of mentor for our young protagonists half the cast is dedicated to teaching them new stuff with those characters receiving very little in the way of character development. Or any characters for that matter. As far as mech designs go fairly important for a mecha show I didnt find any of them particularly impressive or eye catching. First impressions were the the colours were too kidappeal like which could have been avoided with more care taken to the colour design of each mech see Gundam 00 IBO or hell even Evangelion for examples of how to do this well. The only design that still stands out to me is the Iron Blooded Orphans inspired Galbaldy Rebake which actually looks pretty cool. Thats not to say most of the designs are bad or anything they just didnt really catch my eye. Oh yeah it has furries in it as well but theyre not all that bad so it could have at least been worse there. On a positive note there were some really well done action scenes and the animation overall was pretty decent with good effects and all that jazz. Well that and the soundtrack was actually nice as well at least to the degree where Ill listen to it outside of the shows confines. Now the biggest flaw of this show isnt actually to do with the show itself but rather the two that came before it especially the original Build Fighters. Whilst this show probably would have been acceptable in its mediocrity had it been the first build series show its release after BF and BFT could only be described as immensely disappointing. Those were both shows with great characters who actually underwent development over the course of their respective shows as well as having great mecha design all around and a push forwards story styled like many shounen anime that kept me engaged until the very last episode. So Sunrises decision to abandon their already fleshed out cast of characters for a set of new considerable more lifeless ones is beyond me. It also leaves questions that go back to the original Build Fighters unanswered most agonisingly the fates of Sei and Reiji are still somewhat a mystery. Although it is worth noting that I didnt really enjoy Island Wars either so perhaps its a good thing that they left it where they did... In summary what would have otherwise been a completely mediocre anime with bland characters and mech designs but some good action has been made considerably worse by the mere existence of its far superior predecessors resulting only in disappointment in my opinion. I have yet to watch Re:RISE but its another new cast of characters so it looks like they havent learnt their lesson yet so Im not holding out hope. Thanks for reading 220
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