I was wondering how to write this review so here are basically 19 reasons why I dislike Alice 19th. Spoilers ahead. 1 It actually starts decent enough Alice 19th doesnt start out bad. We are introduced to our main protagonist Alice Seno a 15yearold high school student who always feels like shes in the shadow of her older sister Mayura. This causes Alice a lot of grief especially since she cant even have a pet something she always wanted because of her sisters allergy to animals. One day she saves a bunny with the help of her crush Kyo from being run over. It eventually runs away from her but leaves behind a bracelet she decided to keep. Later on that bunny returns to her transforming into a small anthropomorphic girl Nyozeka and says Alice is a Lotis master. I would say the first 5 chapters are decent in starting this story. Kyo accepts Mayuras confession Alice vanishes her sister and she even does a good job at solving her first Inner Heart mission. Its after this point more and more things start to bother me. 2 No direct antagonist is introduced. When Nyozeka is first introduced she says Alice is a Lotis Master and thats fucking it for like 2 chapters. She doesnt explain what Lotis is I still dont even know what it is and why Alice needs to learn it. So theres no importance put on it and the story carries on to focus on other drama. We dont find out that words have power till chapter 4 and we only see our villain until chapter 5. Considering Alice was told to be a Lotis Master in chapter 2 this was information I expected to already have by then which sort of leads to my next points 3 4The lack of Urgency and Alice Despite there being multiple pressing matters Alice faces I felt there was no real rush from her to actually improve her power. In fact she doesnt even start properly training her Lotis until chapter 25 and by then were already halfway through the manga and the villain has influence over everyone in the city. The antagonist can turn a room of people against her in an instance and yet our protagonist isnt strong enough to go through an Inner Heart mission by herself. Kyo and Frey do most of the fighting pretty much until chapter 30 and all she does is talk a little and get in danger. One of the most laughable moments is when she first transforms into her Lotis Master gear tries to fly and reach her sister and is then immediately shot down by lightning its so pathetic. And mind you its probably been weeks maybe even a couple of months between that point and the beginning of the story. 5 What Isekai? I found this Manga under the Isekai tag and I wanna know who did that. There are barely any elements to mark this with an Isekai tag even as a minor element. The only Isekaiing that goes on is when they go inside someones inner heart and its like a miniworld where theyre are trapped in their problems. But thats not Isekai that just magic. Calling this an Isekai would be like calling Lolirock or Yugiyo an Isekai because they often fight in damage containing spaces. Speaking of magic... 6 7 Magic and the worldbuilding One of Alice 19ths main problems is its worldbuilding. Remember how I said we dont find out that words have power until chapter 4? Well the words have power thing is a little arbitrary. While Lotis has a set 24 words they use mainly for fighting regular talking as long as it holds an emotional weight/message seems to work too. After chapter 6 we dont ever see these 24 words used to directly take away the darkness. We are never even told all of the 24 words theyre supposed to master. And as I said before I dont know what Lotis is. We are never told how it works or why it was created. We arent told its connection to Maram and why Maram is even here in the first place. The lack of worldbuilding makes it hard to understand what our characters are going through and therefore and harder to get into the story. 8 No training montages : With this lack of worldbuilding we get stronger characters without knowing how they got stronger. Any progression and training of their powers happen offpage. Without seeing what our characters do to get stronger its hard to accept them as stronger characters. We dont connect with these characters by seeing them grow with their powers and it takes away from the story. Sure there is a clear emotional growth but when their magical growth is just as important just hearing them say Im gonna do my best isnt gonna cut it. I need to see that shit too. Im supposed to believe that in a span of like 5 chapters our main characters are strong enough to take down the big bad? Yeah no. 9 Frey Weilhausen Let me back up a bit. With stories like this theyre always a love interest that has prior knowledge of the newly discovered power that appears. When Kyo her crush accepts her sisters confession I had already written him off of potential endgame and just unrequited love. I expected our second love interest to actually be an interesting character probably a tsundere to contrast with Kyo just at least marginally likeable that would be a suitable love interest for Alice. Frey is fucking trash. Hes the stereotypical romantically/sexually aggressive love interest that comes in immediately in love with the protag. He gets way too close for comfort and kisses without consent. He flirts with every girl in his vicinity and often does actions that require him to be tied up. Hes not charming or likeable personally. The only reason hes even here is that Lotis masters can only marry Lotis masters which they dont explain either and he set his sights on Alice. So with this I got another sad relavation. 10 Kyo Wakamiya is endgame Dont get me wrong Kyo is a good guy. Hes nice good senpai points has his own interesting backstory. I just didnt see him as a legitimate love interest. He would have preferred him being someone Alice struggled to get over while getting to know a love interest that actually connected with her. But by chapter 25 its pretty much set in stone these 2 are gonna get married so I digress. 11 12 Minor Antagonists and lack of intimidation In minor antagonist fashion they get in the way of our heroes fight with the big bad. But honestly these antagonists dont add anything to the story. Especially Eric who literally kills himself so that Frey can feel despair ???? Monakuma is that you? but is only mourned for like 2 pages before they just move on like what? And I could get into the last ones emotional gimmick but Its a little sensitive. But the fact that they literally had another mans head appear on their chest to talk all sad and shit really made me question if Im supposed to take this seriously. 13 Nyozeka As the mascot/animal friend/mentor that Nyozeka represents she completely fails in every aspect. The relationshipbuilding between her and Alice is so minuscule I was really surprised how her death affected Alice so much. Nyozeka stays completely useless from beginning to end. As the very reason Alice becomes a Lotis master in the first place Nyozeka does shit all in actually teaching her. She literally just exists and its annoying. 14 Alice is sad.tm Like I said Nyozekas death having such an impact on Alice made no sense to me. For one as I said relationship building was minimal. Shes so unimportant that I dont even register her when she appears on the page. But Nyozekas death literally paralyzes her to her knees. And she just sits there. And dont look at me like oh her friend died be nice. She is the only one out the main 3 that does this Kyos friend that dies right in front of him? Passes out due to pain but the next time we see him hes ready to fight. Kyos dad he thought he killed and had to see die again? A little sad but we good. Erics friend that betrays him and literally dies in front of him? Mans just wipes some tears and we proceed like nothing happen. A rabbits thats presence is less important than a thumbtack? DEVASTATION. Sorry if I expected some consistency I just didnt get it. And because she shuts down shes not even the one who saves her sister Fucking Kyo does it and basically gets sucked in like sis come on. 15 The Ending The ending is a copout really. Remember when I said this lacks world building and we barely understand Lotis? yeah supposedly there is this lost word that Kyo and Alice were supposed to find to use and defeat the big bad but they never do. We never seen an attempt or given any information that would help them find these words. So in the end after Alice snaps out she hears Nyozekas voice even though shes dead and leads Alice into her inner heart even though shes dead? and she finds Freys teacher??? Which in itself doesnt make sense since this guy is supposed to be dead too. It doesnt really follow any of this worlds rules but then again we dont know this worlds rules. So he tells her the words she leaves and saves Kyo they defeat the bad guy and we all live happily ever after So thats not actually 19 I was close but this review is already so long Ill be surprised if anyone finishes it. Alice 19 really had potential. I liked the sister becoming a main antagonist element. I was curious about how the whole Lotis power worked. I really wanted to see her become a whole badass in Lotis with how powerful they were making her out to be. But no dice. Everything is kind of forgettable and Ive had to frequently go back to the manga to write this review. This manga could really benefit from just being longer and building a solid world. Working out the character relationships and giving us more content so we can actually care about these guys. Its not a horrible story but I wished it was better.
45 /100
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