In the face a looming apocalypse and a fucking alien mothership hovering above you what do you do? Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction explores this question through thorough character study an intricate plot realistic socioeconomic and philosophical themes and the lives of two cute girls being broken down. Going to refer to this series as DDDDD 620 Story Highschool girls Koyama Kadode and Nakagawa Ouran live their normal lives normally hanging out with their normal friends under your normal ginormous alien mothership. 3 years ago the 8/31 incident occurred. Multiple alien ships crashed into Tokyo killing thousands and misplacing many including Kadodes father. In the present many have taken up stances upon the threat of another alien massacre. However Kadode and Ouran continue to live complacently. Enjoying their precious youth questioning their mundane lives pondering about their future. But its inevitable that their lives will be shaken up by this alien crisis. I liken this series to Girls Last Tour. Two cute girls find themselves under an apocalyptic threat but continue to lead their normal lives. DDDDD is a comingofage story through a philosophical dark exploration of its characters. We see them going on dates eating icecream at restaurants going to the beach goofing around. They think about their current lives and worry of the future. But soon they find themselves trying to continue to lead normal lives as the alien crisis increasingly becomes more integrated in their lives. DDDDDs start was generally focused on the sliceoflife aspect introducing and exploring the lives of our protagonists. However the supernatural plot becomes much more explored as the story progresses. We witness multiple perspectives from the aliens politicians a sly journalist a proalien group called SHIP etc that magnify the worldbuilding and gives us a birdseye view. We learn how all these different simultaneous plotlines affect and connect with Kadode and Ourans lives. Once supernatural and mystery became more integrated the story rapidly turns into an intricate spiderweb of suspense unpredictability and OH SHIT moments. Truly the heartthumping mystery of this series reminds me of Naoki Urasawas Monster. DDDDD is heavy in addressing modern socioeconomic and political issues. The alien crisis has spawned massive debate in the general public and political world. Those favoring the destruction of the aliens are referred to as Octopi those favoring pacifism and natural rights for the aliens are Squids and those complacent towards all of this are Tuna. One of Kadode and Ourans friends is a fervent squid providing a strong perspective from a minority side. In addition we see the social extremity of the situation through Kadodes mother. She lives in constant fear always appearing in her gas mask and moves away to escape. Ourans NEET brother constantly monitors the internet where we see bizarre conspiracies on message boards and social media. The depiction of the intensity and hivemind of these social movements clashing is one not detached from reality. The politicians view is more economicoriented. Through them we find out how the crisis has affected the entire world Japans economy and strained diplomatic affairs. However I dont believe Asanos primary intent was to critique and analyze modern socioeconomic state or political affairs but instead to further drive the psychological and philosophical aspects of DDDDD. In addition to the main story DDDDD has a nested story occasionally treating us to brief opening sequences of Isobeyan am obvious mirror of Doraemon. However its much more darker in tone than the classic series it pays homage to. It entails a selfcentered young girl who uses Isobeyans magical tools for personal gain fails and never selfreflects on her mistakes. Though these short strips certainly provide a chuckle Isobeyan plays a critical role further into the story. Though I dont think DDDDD is particularly dark compared to Inio Asanos other works it certainly does have its dark moments as it progresses. I love the dichotomy between them and the goofy dysfunctional scenes like Kadode and Ourans banter. It gives great motives and material for character development for a variety of characters major and minor. DDDDD give us multiple conflicts. Man vs Man Man vs Self Man vs Society Man vs The Supernatural etc. All of these give way to great characterization and development for minor characters such as the JSDF soldier Kohiruimaki and Ai. I could write much much more about every character their conflicts and roles its amazing how much depth and thought goes into many of the characters. 620 620 620 620 Characters Asano does a phenomenal job making even the most minor character critical to the story and gifts them sufficient characterization. Even if a new characters screentime was limited to a single line Ill be feverishly expecting their next appearance and wonder what importance they play. Their interactions with each other heighten the storys complexity and builds up suspense. Though some minor characters receive development Id say our two protagonists are simply characterized more than developed as the story explores their pasts and motives. Kadode: Id argue shes the audiences selfinsert. We see her frequently struggle with internal issues and react normally to reallife situations. She has a crush on her teacher has a strained relationship with her mother thinks about her missing father etc. The more screentime she has the more downtoearth she seems. However the story explores some darkness in her later on that makes her character much more interesting. Ouran: A very dysfunctional seeminglyinsane gamer girl. Where we have Kadodes downtoearth character we also have Ourans overthetop cartoony personality. She has a normal family with an almost as equally dysfunctional older brother. Much of her screen time is dedicated to her revolution declarations gamer and conspiracy ramblings and general comedy. However were occasionally allowed to peek at her true feelings that makes us question the authenticity and depth of Ourans character. Just like Kadode the story introduces a shocking dark blob in Ourans character that has made it the biggest plottwist in the series thus far. 620 Art If youre already familiar with Asanos work it should come to no surprise that his art is the highlight. The detail and intricacy he puts into each panel is ... unbelievable. Gorgeous tone and shading phenomenal use of perspective subtle facial expressions. Asano utilizes his art to depict comedy darkness emotion suspense and elevate the story to another dimension. You will NOT be disappointed with DDDDDs art. Here is an interview with Asano that showcases his art techniques. Its an interesting watch 620 620 Enjoyment Apocalypse? Cute girls? Conspiracies? A dark version of Doraemon? sign me the FUCK up good shit go sHit? thats some good??shit right??there rightthere if i do a so my sel i say so thats what im talking about right there right there chorus: mMMMM?O0OOOOooo Good shit. Ahem. But yeah DDDDD is a 10/10 in the enjoyment dept. The comedy is topnotch with its goofy character expressions and hilarious banter. The art is breathtaking making me stare at panels for minutes on end. The characters are grounded and realistic creating a ironclad empathic chain between them and me. The story oh man the rabbit hole of mystery just digs deeper. 620 Final Words Asano brings us a story pitting the threat of a supernatural crisis against the anxiety and unpredictability of ones mundane life. Even in the extreme case of utter annihilation our inner conflicts and personal fears dont simply dissipate now that something new has appeared. DDDDD explores the extent of our monotonous lives in the most bizarre situations through our relationships and fun moments in life. I cant wait for new updates and its shaped up as a phenomenal series that puts the fine detail into its art characters and story. 620
90 /100
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