Middle school ... those two words conjure some shuddering memories huh? I think we can all agree it was a dumb period of our lives. And I think Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu captures that essence of dumbness in a very enjoyable manner. Story Set in middle school centered around two characters. Kyoutarou Ichikawa a short gloomy and awkward boy. Yamada Anna a tall pretty and outgoing girl. Despite their stark contrasting personalities these two find themselves together in various situations and grow closer. If I could sum up this series in one word itd be subtle. The series does an excellent job with shownottell in character interactions humor character expressions etc. What makes this series so enjoyable is inferring whats happening without explicitly being told. Combined with the amount of awkward and tense scenes youll find yourself chuckling. The progression of the two protagonists relationship doesnt seem forced or unnatural. They find themselves awkwardly talking in the library coincidentally eating at the same fast food bumping to each other near the convenience store etc. No lucky pervert oppai grabs or anything. Very little drama. The series doesnt follow a main plot line instead breaking up into small subplots. Makes it very enjoyable to see the various idiotic shenanigans the two and their friends find themselves in. Characters Ichikawa: A sociallyawkward kid that had a brief edge phase and isnt the best with girls. Oh wait that was me ... jokes aside hes like any normal middleschooler. He gets some development. He talks more becomes more honest about his feelings and becomes closer with some other characters. His narration adds to the humor. Yamada: A funny cute bubbly girl. However she isnt free from awkwardness. Seeing her outgoing side with her friends and her awkward side with Ichikawa and various situations makes her more than onedimensional. There are various reoccurring side characters that stick with you too. Theyre just as fun as our protagonists and sometimes help develop their relationship. Art Nothing eyecatching. I think the artstyle is cute and suits the lighthearted tone of the series. Going with the main theme of subtlety the art also helps add to it. From character expressions to background art you can infer quite a bit from just looking. Enjoyment I keep enjoying the chapters more and more The subtle humor is great. The relationship progression is lovely to watch. The characters act dumb in a carefree sense that reminds me of my younger years. Final Words Overall a fun and enjoyable school and sliceoflife series. If you want wholesome and subtle give this a shot. 420https://i.ur.com/vFqgt0C.gif
75 /100
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