Pros/Cons at the end if you dont wanna see me ramble OcculticNine is an anime that felt like wasted potential to me. Making a highly science fiction show more overthetop than the scifi SteinsGate with a somewhat hard to grasp plot AND the bombardment of characters introduced in the first episode that is on par with Durarara only 12 episodes long seems very unfair. Had this been 24 episodes long this anime wouldve easily been a 10 for me. Story: The story of OcculticNine seems very good on pen and paper however the execution was extremely poor due to incredibly fast pacing as well as trying to fit a vast amount of characters. The theories of ghosts are quite unique and interesting and is able to make the audience certainly me at least be able to nod in agreement at whatever madness is ensuing. But the problem of 12 episodes reveals itself again with some highly overthetop supernatural phenomenons that are barely explained happening on screen VERY PREVALENT IN THE FINALE. Art: What caught my eye in this anime was the animation. It looked very pleasing to me especially the art style and the background colours. Albeit the quick camera angle changes can get annoying but the anime was try to not make the explanations and theories boring by giving the viewers an easy on the eye artwork. Personally this anime has one of the best eyecandy animation Ive ever seen. Sound: The soundtrack as well VA and SFX in general are great. Absolutely no complaints except for the fastpace of speaking. Music and SFX always fits the tension and atmosphere of the environment and really enhances your sense and focus of whats happening. Character: One of its biggest weaknesses so far is the characters. 12 episodes is nowhere near enough to fit in all of the characters involvement story and development in this anime. Some characters were outright done dirty and had barely enough screen time for their purpose in the anime. This made some characters roles feel very minuscule in the overall plot of the anime. Enjoyment: I enjoyed it. I really did. No matter how many negative reviews Ive seen for it Ive always felt that this anime is good. Im not sure if Im too generous and my standards are too low but I really. Enjoyed. This. Anime. Pros: Animation and Art are eyecandy. Plot is very fun to explore. Music is good. Fun twist. Cons: Extremely fast pacing. Too condensed 12 episodes. Not enough character build/exploration. Minor unexplained concept/scientific issues. El Psy Congroo.
81 /100
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