Update: Note that my perception in whats considered the best is still widening as I watch more anime but this one shows how impactful it is despite the simplicity and I present it to you in a form of a long review. I never had to make a review before. For those who never watched its definitely worth 6 minutes of your time and probably more. Please watch the video firsthttps://www..com/watch?v=fzQ6gRAEoy0 and then read this review from my perspective as I hope its also worth a few minutes of reading. For me though it simply works. Its sad...brilliantly and simply. Presented with a beautiful girl named Rin and the music videos oneword title Shelter to represent what it has in store a downward slope to realization and sadness. Her beautiful blatant lie of I am not alone weights it an irony that we eventually learn isnt her Meaningful Echohttps://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MeaningfulEcho that represent her life as she goes on a virtual world that she eventually learned to master on her own. But not everything is a sad ending. We see her waking up every day to explore the reality she makes her creativeness is inspired by nothing but reminiscing memories. Subtleties such as being barefooted almost entirely her bedroom filled with her past presents her fascination with the drawing tablet of her father her childlike behavior despite almost reaching the adult stage her eagerness of waiting for a message in those 2539 days. Her looks made of her ideal self than the teenager version of her Adorably Precocioushttps://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AdorablyPrecociousChild self. Her character shaped by her relationship with her father. Her missing mother declared to have passed away before she could make a lively appearance. How their actions make who they are and how important they are to each other. Rins parents decision for her to be happy may seem ironic but conveyed through as You Are Not Alonehttps://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/YouAreNotAlone. Their attention to detail is worthy of the name music video where the music is an accompaniment instead of being the main piece the animation itself is beautiful and wellexecuted. Both seem to try and achieve different things until they collide in the end to piece each other. It doesnt end here. The implication of this anime showcases the people that create experiences a meaningful message that artists explore their creativity filled with determination. The wanting to share the same thrilling experience with their fellow viewers and fans a luxury that Rin would be happy to have. What will become of me from now on To go back with that meaningful echo of living alone to only imagine how sad she lives her life as the intention of this music video where you can shape her story. Its part of letting you explore the emotions of the story youve created along the journey after being inspired by such. The freedom of having our own experiences. Unfortunately how creative you can get doesnt represent the music video it isnt just as unique. It may not be extraordinary but it still does what it wants to do very well. And just as much to talk about how simple it is to the point that its show and tell except for the freezeframe message that was eventually sent to Rin in Japanese which fans have translatedhttps://www.reddit.com/r/porterrobinson/comments/5867dp/lettertorinfromherfatherattheendof/. Eventually we are reminded that a message can be shared without such cliches and long dialogues of indicating that Stuff Happenshttps://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HandWave. To make a lengthy one cour at such a budget is a huge sacrifice by reducing the quality of such a masterpiece. The amount of thought here is commendable. Porter Robinson Madeon A1 Pictures has made such an incredible job and I cant wait to see more animerelated works from them.
90 /100
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