I finished Engaged to the Unidentified yesterday. I can say from the bottom of the heart this is probably the romance anime I appreciate the most.
The ending SUCKED but I do love supernatural animes. Supernatural + Slice of life is a staple to me but + Romance and I usually avoid it. But..this was all 100 wholesome and not lewd at all so perfect for me.
I have yet to watch the OVAs of the show so I cant say if they solidify as a great ending or are unrelated. Either way the series has something for everybody. Doga Kobos older shows are well worth watching as well as what they have been releasing the past 5 years.
Theyre most well known for their slice of life and most recently the two lolicon protagonists in their adaptations see UzaMaid and Wataten but it seems they can adapt just about anything well. For their Gabriel Dropout adaptation they shuffled around chapters of the manga and made their own characters and stories to go with it. Very dedicated studio who can make almost anything with some love.
I have not read the manga so I have nothing to compare in that regard but all I will say is that I really enjoyed this anime.