600https://i.ur.com/W9FNFve.png Spoilerfree review Review in brief: This OVA is about Hkago Tea Time planning for the overseas trip they take in the movie. The focus on this leaves the episode a tad light on comedy but its still KOn at heart. Review in full: Released roughly a month after the KOn Movie was announced Keikaku could be seen as a prequel episode for it. It didnt need to be an episode but this is KOn so a simple story isnt really an issue. Not much happens not just because its KOn but because the setup of planning an overseas trip is actually what this is about rather than being the backdrop for a bunch of goofy moments with the Keionbu. Theres still goofing around to be had of course but with what is effectively an actual plot focus that lacks drama it leaves less than KOns optimal amount of room for tomfoolery. Like a fair amount of KOns 2nd season its more mundane than it needs to be. 600https://i.ur.com/jbKqAuv.png While practicing selfdefense is a good idea since when does anything bad happen in KOn land? Thats not to say its a worthless watch. KOns colorful cast of characters are still very much themselves and theres even little sprinkles of minor development for some of them through their dialogues. Plus the comedy that is present is of good quality even doing a better job with some jokes than season 2s versions of them. While the episodes conclusion isnt very solid in the context of why it was made loose endings are little more than a nitpick in slice of life stories as standard as this. Though this OVA certainly hits KyoAnis aboveaverage standard for production quality it is a step down from season 2. Sure there wasnt very much to animate in this episode but even then the imagery was a little more static than normal. Perhaps it was the framing there are a few noticeably odd choices with it and KOn usually has excellent framing. Still the visuals overall are colorful and highly detailed. This episode is rather quiet in the background and calming background noise with a lack of KOns usual pop is a tad odd. Plus the Keionbu does not so much as set foot inside the club room so theres no real place for insert songs either. The important thing is that the evertalented seiyuus still found ways to be creative this time with the Engrish portions of the OVA. Verdict: Keikaku Is hardly a necessary watch but fans will appreciate getting an extra episode out of what could have been just a movie preview and thats what matters in the end not whether its the best KOn episode ever or not. If you ask me its not the worst episode of KOn either. Related reviews:
60 /100
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