/ POSSIBLE SPOIL / ENGLISH : Introduction : Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterun Da is a flilm released in 2015 created by the studio A1 Pictureshttps://anilist.co/studio/561/A1Pictures. The staff who have worked on this animation film is the same for Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranaihttps://anilist.co/anime/9989/AnoHiMitaHananoNamaewoBokutachiwaMadaShiranai/ created in 2011. The film tells us a story about a girl who lost de capacity of speaking due to some events in his childhood. The story : The story begins during the childhood of June Narusehttps://anilist.co/character/88942/JunNaruse who believe in charming prince princess and castle. Against his will she discover something about his father adultery and this event will cause her lost capacity of speaking because of his indiscretion. She obligated herself to not speak again to not cause other problem to her family or friends. Every time she tries to speak she will receive a punishment Without spoiling the story will show us a group a students who are in charge of a show for the school and they will try to resolve the problem of June Narusehttps://anilist.co/character/88942/JunNaruse. The music : The music in this film is a big part because the show is a musical comedy. We can hear a lot of classic music like the famous Beethoven Pathetique 2nd movementhttps://www..com/watch?v=vGq3FizQY classic we can hear multiple time in Nodame Cantabilehttps://anilist.co/anime/1698/NodameCantabile/ for example. The most beautiful music in the world Over the Rainbowhttps://www..com/watch?v=9kENJm15zPU and some other good stuff. As I say Music is preeminent because if June is not able to speak she can sing and the show provides her a possibility to share all feelings she has in her for multiple years now. The animation : The animation is quite classical its just good no excellent but still good to see. Its a typical animation we can found in a lot of film or animation series. Personally I havent been touched by the animation of this film because the speech is more important than the animation in this type of story. However the animation of characters is pretty good. Personnal conclusion : Personally Ive watched this film with no fear because the staff who have realized this film have made a monument Anohana so I cant be disappointed by them. The story is a true life lesson for adult and child I think because he teach us the word can be very hard for all people and they can cause some hard problem for persons who are delicate. He teaches us to take care of all persons in our family our close people even of theyve made some mistake. FRENCH: Introduction : Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterun Da est un film sorti en 2015 cr par le sudio A1 Pictureshttps://anilist.co/studio/561/A1Pictures. Lquipe qui a travaille sur ce film danimation est la mme que pour Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranaihttps://anilist.co/anime/9989/AnoHiMitaHananoNamaewoBokutachiwaMadaShiranai/ cr en 2011. Le film nous raconte lhistoire dune fille qui a perdu la capacit de parler en raison de certains vnements de son enfance . Lhistoire : Lhistoire commence pendant lenfance de June Narusehttps://anilist.co/character/88942/JunNaruse qui croit au prince charmant princesse et au chteau. Contre sa volont elle dcouvre quelque chose sur son pre adultre et cet vnement lui fera perdre la capacit de parler cause de son indiscrtion. Elle sest oblig une contrainte de recevoir une punition a chaque fois quelle tentera de parler. Sans spoiler lhistoire nous parleras dun groupe dtudiants qui sont chargs de faire un spectacle pour lcole et ils essaieront de rsoudre le problme de June Narusehttps://anilist.co/character/88942/JunNaruse La musique: La musique dans ce film est importante car June ne peut pas parler mais elle peut chanter et tout le spectacle est une comdie musicale. On peut entendre beaucoup de musiques classiques comme le fameux 2me mouvement Pathtique de Beethovenhttps://www..com/watch?v=vGq3FizQY classique on peut entendre plusieurs fois dans Nodame Cantabilehttps://anilist.co/anime/1698/NodameCantabile/ par exemple. Nous pourrons entendre galement la musique lue la plus belle au monde Over the rainbowhttps://www..com/watch?v=9kENJm15zPU et bien dautre musique de qualit. Lanimation : Lanimation est assez classique cest juste bon pas excellent mais bon. Personnellement je nai pas t particulirement touch par la qualit de lanimation de ce film. Je pense que dans ce type de film la qualit du discours la chose la plus importante. Nanmoins je nai pas t choqu par lanimation et les personnages sont de trs bonne qualit Conclusion : Personnellement jai regard ce film sans crainte parce que le personnel qui a ralis ce film a fait un monument Anohana donc je ne peux pas tre du par cette quipe. Lhistoire est une vraie leon de vie pour les adultes et les enfants parce quil nous enseigne que les mots peuvent tre trs difficiles encaisser pour toutes personne et quils peuvent causer des problmes difficiles aux personnes dlicates. Il nous enseigne quil faut prendre soin de notre familles des personnes de notre entourage mme sils ont fait des erreurs par le pass.
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