Ive never written a review before and will probably never do so again but because the other review on here is pretty much just a comparison to the manga I decided just for this one single time to make a review for an anime I really enjoyed.
Im not going to write down the synopsis here because I am extremely lazy so lets dive right in.
1. Story
Theres not much to talk about when it goes in term of the story. Its just fighting with some background stories thrown in the middle of them. Thats not to say it isnt fun though the story of every character is unique. Sometimes its silly and funny and the other times they are serious and maybe even touching. You go into the fights knowing nothing about the character and get out of the fights satisfied with the conclusion.
I never know where a fight will go it might be over in 30 anime seconds or its a long drawn out fight where endurance is important. The author always surprises me with what he comes up with to make the fights interesting and does it really well too. Everyone has their own special ability but apart from some they feel very grounded and realistic.
2. Characters
Theres a whole abundance of unique characters in this show and theyre all so interesting that I never know who to root for in the fight. Even outside of the fight there are interesting characters that you will see often be it eliminated fighters or just spectators.
Because of the story focusing a lot on all the other fighters you dont see a lot of Kazuo and Ohma which makes them a bit shallow. Ohma is getting there later on but Kazuo is just a pawn with no real character development going on.
3. Animation
Animation includes animation and art style. Honestly I dont really like the art style that much. Its not a pleasure to look at like say Houseki no Kuni is. I dont think this distracts me from the experience as a whole though unless its the 2D scenes. Whenever the 3D characters switch to 2D its jarring enough to notice and I dont think it looks that good.
Scenes outside of combat are rarely ever good looking but thankfully this is a battle anime and combat is mostly what you will see. And oh boy let me tell you the animation in this anime is spectacular. I dont think I would have this anime in anything else other than CGI anime because I really dont think it would work all that well. Theres a lot of speed involved in the movement that would just be way too hard to capture in 2D.
People think that they use 3D to save money or time. But this is bullshit. Anime like these take as much time and talent as 2D anime does.
The animation here is all hand animated no motion capture is used and it was worth it. Instead they used reference videos from real MMA fighters. This makes combat extremely satisfying to watch and because of the cg bad/awkward art is never a problem.
4. Soundtrack and effects
The music here is nothing to write home about. I actually think it fits well and it does have some satisfying tracks I suppose but its nothing you would listen to after completing the anime.
The sound effects are very good they feel gritty and have a lot of punch to them. I will also include voice acting in this topic as well and damn theres some A+ voice acting here.
goood good anime. Definitely try it out if you like fighting. Here I will start my manga comparison I have not read it though and say that it feels like this show misses a lot of sliceoflife type stuff like people just chilling and talking to each other instead of it going straight to the conflict like the anime does. The show is funny so if you want more of that and less cut content make sure to check out the manga because I know for a fact it has more of that stuff.