Ghost in the Shell is an animated feature by the revolutionary Mamoru Oshii set in a technologically advanced Japan that modifies government officials by making them more cyborglike for a more efficient performance as well as creating whole androids called puppets. We follow the journey of Major Motoko Kusanagi a puppet wanting purpose and meaning in her existence. The world built is detailed as far as whats shown. Lets just get this out the way. The technical work put behind the movie is masterful genius and unlike anything Ive seen before. The character designs are incredibly memorable. The action scenes are some of the coolest among any film Ive watched. The colors used in the film is precise and stick out gorgeously. Each scene is handled with care though and impeccable creatively. The film entrances you with its gritty cyberpunk yet beautiful visuals filled with thought and meaning that gives you more insight of the main character such as this. The pacing is immaculate. The soundtrack is another beast in its own created by the exceptional Kenji Kawai. Composed in a highend studio it ends up soaring in quality. Its vibrant haunting and mesmerizing scores stands out remarkably. The ending credits used this epic oneofakind piece thats left me in awe and has ended up become my favorite out of the whole anime. The detail and style used in here is rare and should be noted more as it adds its own immeasurable palate of character tone and enchanment that forced me to be immersed in this film. The story deals with identity and a need to be more than what you are and reaching for tools thats not at your position. Understanding purpose is major them explored through the Major her comrade Batou and the antagonist. The story is a major reason among everything that makes me want to view the film more than twice. To understand find and think more about the concepts explored by this film. One of the things that interested me is the puppets need to find humanity in their robotic bodies and the humans need to become robotic by incorporating computers in their human bodies. Here is a scene that incorporates most of the qualities I admire about this film that Ive mentioned previously. In my limited experience of viewing proclaimed classic movies Ive been disappointed a couple of times. But seeing this movie I can clearly see the influence this movie has on new filmmakers working in the industry today and am thoroughly impressed by this gem. Unapologetically brave and uniquely stands on its own even today 24 years after its release while getting the recognition and praise that it deserves.
89 /100
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