A prequel set just before YuGiOh The Dark Side of Dimensions Transcend Game is theoretically supposed to lay some background and setup for that movie. It um...doesnt do that.
It introduces the Duel Links system from the movie...er I mean the...Neurons system? Which is a completely different thing? It also introduces the character Sera who is...nothing at all like she is in the movie. Honestly it makes me wonder if Transcend Game is the story or premise that Kazuki Takahashi actually wanted to make but the powers that be thought it was too weird or too unYuGiOhlike damn thats a lot of dashes. Ive got no evidence for that its just idle speculation.
Like Dark Side of Dimensions the focus of Transcend Game is Seto Kaiba. Personally and maybe this is unusual for a YuGiOh fan Im lukewarm on Kaiba. His bombast is great in small doses but wears out his welcome fast. The problem is that when hes the lead hes just as awesome as he thinks he is when in reality hes only 90 as awesome as he thinks he is. Thats a bit of a digression though. The point is the plot of which there is basically none. Its all setup but for a story that doesnt exist but none of the concepts in it have anything to do with things in Dark Side of Dimensions. There are I suppose some thematic connections but thats not much to go on.
So Transcend Game has no notable plot and no connection to the thing its supposed to connect to. But its YuGiOh so its at least got some cool duels right? Sure if Person A summons a monster Kaiba summons a bigger monster and instantly wins sounds like a cool duel to you. And I dont mean that Kaiba does some ridiculous 12card combo to summon a giant monster. His kung fu is just bigger than the other guys kung fu.
To be fair there are some good points to Transcend Game. For example it introduced Meteor Duza the Cubic Vessel to the game which is an interesting card that makes Cubics like twice as consistent. Yes that is my praise for Transcend Game. It has a good card in it.
To actually be fair it has some neat ideas in it. The Neurons system could be compelling as the setting for a story of actual length but Transcend Game is just two chapters. It doesnt do much more by which I mean doesnt do any more than sorta gesture at players forming guilds and powering up monsters with their willpower before hurrying on to all the other unimportant things it has to get to.
Im not one to care much about numerical scores but Transcend Game is difficult to score. On the one hand it has essentially nothing to offer but on the other theres not much actually bad about it. So rolls dice...