Eromanga Sensei is the greatest show about having sex with your little sister since Drake and Josh. It is an anime so terrible only the lowest common denominator of human being can enjoy it. An anime so terrible it essentially rips off the plot of the authors previous series because hes too lazy to come up with something not involving fucking his sister. An anime so terrible it contains every trope in anime existence to the point where you wonder if the author has ever had an original idea in his life. An anime so terrible you wonder if it was only made because the author is so mentally handicapped that the producers and studio got a tax writeoff for adapting his work. Why are there loud bootsteps in the stairway outside my apartment? Shut the fuck up Im trying to bitch about anime Have you ever looked at your sister and thought Oh man I hope I get to that before dad does? Because I did. And ever since my family has never spoken to me again. Apparently the same thing happened to the author of Eromanga Sensei. It must be hard writing a love letter like this to your sister only for her to disown you and never want to speak to you again. I mean is it so wrong to want to have sex with a relative? Isnt that Alabamas state motto? The main character of Eromanga Sensei is a light novel author at fifteen. He thinks its easy to produce books and hes super confident in his novels. Hes an affront to any person who has ever wanted to be or is an author. If you look at your manuscript and feel so full of yourself about it youre doing something wrong. Even published authors are entirely selfconscious about their works and will tell you that they arent proud of even something others consider a masterpiece. You know why? Because artists arent Chads. This guy is the most annoying human being ever and the fact he can produce a novel in a week goes to show that light novels if this is in fact autobiographical on the part of the author are the cancer that is killing anime. Oh his sister lives in her room probably never showers and wont go outside. She just sits in there drawing lewd pictures because shes twelve and thats not a questionable hobby for a twelve year old. He doesnt know the artist for his pervert books is his sister but he finds out. And thus has the catalyst for the worst anime of 2017 and possibly ever set off a chain of the most generic events imaginable. CAN YOU FUCKS QUIT GOOSESTEPPING OUT THERE? IM TRYING TO TALK ABOUT SISTER FUCKING Soon we meet a girl named Elf. She has blond hair and elf ears for whatever reason. If she wasnt fourteen Id say I love her but just between you and me I love her. Shes an author as well. Eromanga Sensei has forever painted light novel authors as moronic teenagers. I hope that was the intent. Anyway Elf is a chuni and rich as hell and she just happens to buy the Victorian mansion that just happens to be next door to the main characters house where he just happens to find her playing piano naked because she just happened to leave the window open and she just happens to find inspiration when she plays the piano naked because this all makes sense and is totally not an excuse for a sicko who would be arrested or put in a mental institution anywhere else in the world to masturbate to his fantasy elf girls naked fourteen year old body. Oh and now she loves the main character But she better watch out cuz sis is gonna be really jealous even though she shows no outward indication of loving her brother is constantly treating him like shit and they never spend enough time together to have any sort of meaningful character development to even warrant the two being in love. Love triangles are so passe lets have a love square Here comes Kimono Girl McIveReadAllYourWorksAndBaselesslyLoveYou. Shes read all of his works and baselessly loves him. You see its actually pretty true to how real life works. I was reading Nobokov the other day and wanted so badly to fly to his grave and molest his corpse. Because reading a novel is enough to make you want to fuck an author. Oh is that gaggle of underage lovemeat not enough for you? How about some girl who randomly shows up at the main dudes door and tells him about how much she loves dicks? Yes this is the only anime to ever have a character introduction that includes a discussion of dicks. And then there is the lady who works at the bookstore. Shes in the show for three minutes but she asks the main guy to marry her. But Izumi whose name is so forgettable I forgot it until just now is dedicated to his sister. The sister he spends hardly any time with. The sister who he watches fireworks with through a window. And meanwhile he spends a majority of the series hanging out with Elf. Elf the rich girl. Elf the one with an actual character. Elf the girl who cares. Elf the girl with development. Elf the only halfway entertaining character in this fucking show. What does the goddam author have against chuni girls that he has Kuroneko in Oreimo and Elf in this makes them the best characters then goes Har har whod want to date girls who are interesting when you can date the boring sister?. Jesus fucking Christ is there a parade going on in the hallway? SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LET ME DISCUSS THE SEXUALIZATION OF UNDERAGE GIRLS FOR A MOMENT Eromanga Sensei is chock full of generic moments that are ripped from every light novel in existence. It constantly reminds you that other light novels exist as if its begging you to turn it off and read/watch something else. Spice and Wolf shows up to remind you that well thought out and emotional romances exist in anime. Toradora shows up to remind you that well thought out and emotional romances exist in anime. Sword Art Online shows up as if to laugh at you for thinking that was the most bland and dirivitive light novel ever made. Even Oreimo characters show up to remind you that this guy made a show about fucking your sister that was at least mildly entertaining and only slightly less infuriating. Theres the tournament episode. The late season beach episode. Theres a festival. They play Twister. The sister and Izumi turn out to be childhood friends through some contrived ridiculous logic. All of this is bad all of it is indicative of the creative drought of this author and the general lack of care for quality of the studio in choosing to adapt this show. But the sexualization of the underage characters is where this show is at its lowest. Anime as a medium is typically centered on underage girls. Gelbooru as a website is where you go when you want to give in to your basest dirtiest urges about these girls because most anime have the good sense to not sexualize underage girls but many anime fans dont cough Kanna cough. Eromanga Sensei is so resplendent in near pornographic imagery and tasteless crotch butt thigh and tit shots that Im surprised it was allowed to air on television. Every girl is turned into a sex joke at some point Eromanga herself is a huge pervert and theres an actual point where a girl is blindfolded and molested. Making problems even worse is the fact that the Bluray release of this series shows that the television version is actually censored. Yes thats right if you thought this anime about naked teenaged girls was too tame there is a version where you straight up see their cooches. If this intrigues you in any way then please climb to the top of the nearest skyscraper and jump off. Who the hell knocks on the door at twothirty in the morning? Goddammit The anime ends at episode eleven but as with most anime that dont know when to quit this one goes an extra episode and gives us the most disgusting and hardtowatch yet. The series literally ends with a scene where a girl has stripped naked her little kindergartenaged brother in order to draw his dick so Eromanga has a reference on how to draw male anatomy. This is how we end an anime that aired on television. An anime that sold well. An anime that people have rated highly. If you or a loved one experienced an erection during Eromanga Sensei please seek mental help immediately. Holy shit My fucking door whyd you bust it down? Guns? Put those things down Im just reviewing Eromanga Sensei Get away from me Dont look through my DVD collection Oh crap I didnt like this anime Why are you pigs going to arrest me? I better write the conclusion before they cuff me Eromanga Sensei is the most disturbing thing to happen to anime since the last most disturbing thing to happen to anime. Its everything wrong with the medium wrapped into one dirivitive unfunny boring and pointless package. Its an anime that shits on writing it shits on anime and shits on human decency. It asks you to step into the shoes of a main character so pathetic hed rather date his characterless and useless sister than a character he spends more time with and helps develop. It assails you with more pedophilic imagery than fucking Salo: The 140 Days. Eromanga only exists to make you hate the light novel industry hate anime and hate the fact that a medium you dedicate your time and passion toward is chock full of enough weirdos who enjoy trash like this that Eromanga will get a second season before Insert title of anime that will never get a second season. Not so tight Why are you reading me my Miranda Rights? I didnt do anything I hated this anime. Its trash. Hey get off my laptop. Dont click that folder NO THOSE ARENT MY PICTURE OF ELFCHAN. I AM NOT INTO THAT. SOMEONE ELSE PUT THEM THERE. I AM NOT A LOLICON You see shes naked because playing the piano while nude gives her ideas for novels officer. THAT IS A LEGIT EXCUSE
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