Have I ever told you the definition of insanity? Freesia is written by Matsumoto Jiro a man that makes manga that are pretty hard to figure out if they are art or simply ramblings by the mind of an insane person. Freesia his longest work as of date is the manga that made me realize that its simply both. Honestly all the other manga that I read from him Wendy Netsutai no Citron and Benchin no Madala were all manga that even though I enjoyed I wasnt that big of a fan but I continued to read mostly out of curiosity because it was so different than any other mangaka that I had found so far. Freesia as most of Jiros staples in it the weird art the weird characters the sexual themes and the dark atmosphere while at the same time being more stable and taking more time to really establish the story settings and characters thats why Freesia is the first manga of his that I really put among my all time favorites. Theres something about Freesia. You know those works that really makes you hate humanity? Those movies books or anime that just show the worst in people that every character is made for you to hate? Thats what Freesia is. a story about horrible insane people that ultimately are human. The manga starts with our main character talking to a imaginary friend in a coffee shop. Eventually a woman that looks like the imaginary friend comes and convinces Kano to join a organization that is supposed to execute excons if a relative of the person the excon killed wishes to. Everything is approved by the government so that the people forget the war thats going on. This war is never explored much it just exists in the background there lingering and creating tension. If you think this story is about why the woman looks like the imaginary friend its not. That plot is revealed pretty early on and in the words of Kano: Oh thats all there is? I thought it was something important. This manga is full of those moments. Things that seem important to us and to the people around Kano ultimately end up being nothing in his mind of course his mind is a mess. Theres a scene where he doesnt kill a man because: He felt like the man didnt want it even though thats his job. Its almost like hes a child thrown in that environment and is just going with the flow. But Kano isnt the only one in this state. A lot of the main characters have some kind of delusions and hallucinations going on. The fine line between reality and hallucination is never fully revealed until its too late. In the end everything falls together. Its not like we get every explanation to every question spoon fed us but it connects very well and what needs to be explained is explained. Its a manga that feels much like the movie Fight Club Filth or Memento and has the same kind of surreal feel to it. The only bad point I can find is the art which either you like it or you dont. Its unique and it works well with the atmosphere but I can see how a lot of people would be put off by the messy lines and horrible faces. All in all this is a great manga and if youre into psychological stuff youre going to be highly entertained by this work.
90 /100
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