Ah Redline the industrys loudest bomb. A bomb so explosive so meticulously crafted and vibrant its aftershocks can still be felt today from all sides of the spectrum from the painful lack of risks maligned in todays time to the cult following that spawned from the ashes. A decade later and the films still one of the biggest spectacles in the business so it may have just won in the end. Before I gush about the obvious how bout we get the specs on the writing or rather the mainframe holding this bad boy together. Protagonist JP is one of the freshest mother fuckers in the business with enough style and charm to rival the likes of Char from Gundam and Lupin from the III. His crews pretty alright and Frisbees subplot ends in the coolest way you can think for that kind of rigged mafia sports story but apart from JP and the galaxy he races in the real stars are the competitors: the racers and the Fun Nazis that run Roboworld. Nothings deep about them other than the fun ways the film lets us in on their pasts Travistila and Dezuyas rivalry following their fallout in their military days being the highlight in this regard but the likes of Sonoshi and Metalhead are captivating love interests and rivals respectively and Johnny Lynchman Shinkai and Todoroki make for gloriously badass comedic relief. Seeing this absurd yet damn wellconstructed galaxy thrash about as the Roboworld Fun Nazis fuck themselves and everything with them up is a sight to behold even if that whole subplot does leave a few loose threads hanging. The madness doesnt stop there as when you can see it you can hear the adrenaline. Heartpumping tunes such as Yellow Line and one of the many examples of leitmotif on display: Redline drill into your ears as your heart prepares to explode Matching and even surpassing the earcandy tunes by James Shimoji is the dub. Recognizable Alist VAs such as Michelle Ruff Doug Erholtz Keith Silverstein James K. Price and our main protagonist Patrick MoFUCKING Seitz give it their all to bring all the style to each bombastic character in a damn valiant effort to match the flowing flashing attitude of this stellar rush of awe. Not a single performance falls short not even those of lesserknown VAs such as Joey Morris and Laura Post allowing this dub to go down as an underappreciated beast worthy of the godlike warhead of a film its attached to. As this lavish atom bomb blew onlookers were greeted to one of the most monumental spectacles in animation and film in general. Forget eyecandy this is a kings feast for the eyes Through the fiery hells of a 7year production line at Madhouse animator superstars and madmen of the industry such as Hiroyuki Imaishi and Hiroshi Hamasaki and madman director Takeshi Koike created an unstoppable juggernaut of some of the most fluid bombastic and detailed sakuga in the market. Every second of every race every shootout fightscene and scene in general is crafted to utter perfection as to squeeze the life out of your red blazing eyes as they somehow manage to perfectly parse all the earthshattering action going on. The wonderfully vibrant colors car designs mech designs and especially character designs Katsuhiko Ishii and every aforementioned and unrecognized name crafted are as gorgeous expressive and or unique as it can possibly get in such a small yet galactic showcase. Each setting is as majestic and even destructible as the last too and my god even gushing cant do it justice JUST LOOK AT THIS SHIT FUCKING LOOK AT IT AND TELL ME THIS ISNT ONE OF THE BESTLOOKING THINGS YOUVE EVER SEEN https://i.ur.com/Oph2z6L.gif https://media1.tenor.com/images/d1a0c001adcaf7641e483e99eb3832ea/tenor.gif?itemid=5880226 https://media3.giphy.com/media/tDCybs6CLk53y/giphy.gif https://media0.giphy.com/media/pJUjPxFjZHRyo/giphy.gif https://pa1.narvii.com/6283/b344381f9a09c0862dd07815f31aafe2c83f23efhq.gif It left me feeling like a kid riding a rollercoaster and going down a waterslide while on a sugar rush. My holyshit quotient broke by the middle of the final race reducing me to a gibbering mess of hype trying to feast on the visual splendor at hand. The raw style and energy on display are borderline unmatched in this industry as something like this has never been attempted since its painful crash in 09. Amidst the fires still stood a proud work of boisterous art an exhilarating monument to the sheer passion plugged into this industry and the sheer level of glory its patrons express And some bastards say some risks never pay off Fuck em now what about you? Think you can handle a little test drive?
85 /100
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