Once upon a time there was an artist named Satoko Kiyuzuki. One day she got a call from Heiwa Shuppan asking her if she could do a punimoe yonkoma for their new magazine COMIC Gyutto The result was GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class. COMIC Gyutto died after 3 issues but Kiyuzuki didnt give up. And the rest is history.
Like most other CGDCT anime GA doesnt really have a plot to speak of aside from the theme about art. For the most part GA is a show about a group of schoolgirls who attend the titular GA1 class. Theres also the subplot with the Art Club focusing on Aasan and Buchisan. The teachers also get some time in the limelight. If you have have watched Hidamari Sketch then GA is basically Hidamari on Crack.
The art is simple but effective. The designs manage to be cute without the need for over saturated pastel colors all the time while the backgrounds manage to work well with the adaptable color palette. The thing that stands out the most however is Satoko Kiyuzukis art style. If you know about Yggdra Union the characters of this anime may remember you of it. Well Yggdra Union and GAs characters were done by the same person. The same if you have readed ShoulderaCoffin Kuro. There are moments where the anime is designed to look like manga and actually fit in with the series atmosphere compared with other cases.
The animation done by AIC isnt really outstanding. If there was a word I could call it it would be limited. Its not QUALITY but not super sakuga either. The use of color is helpful specially considering GAs main theme is well art.
Ooh the sound. The opening is quite energetic and manages to set up the mood quite nicely. As for the endings yes there are more than one...
AIC apparently didnt have enough money for sakuga every chapter but managed to churn out 5 different endings. Yes 5 endings. And theyre all catchy.
As for the OST it was not really that memorable but managed to do the job nonetheless and the seiyuus pace the comedy very well.
GA has 5 students in its main cast: The innocent and naive Kisaragi the cheerful Nodamiki the straight man Namiko the mysterious Professor and the tomboyish Tomokane. Both the main 5 and the supporting cast are quirky and likable in their own way making the series fun to watch.
As much as GA relies on archetypes the interactions between them are what manages to let the series shine with the art theme being focused over anything else to the point that both the manga and anime turn into educational programs at times.
Like with most CGDCT anime I wouldt really recommend GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class to someone who doesnt like these types of shows.
The somewhat superdeformed artstyle may be another turnoff for some people as not everyone has the same standards for what constitutes cute and diabetes. But for the most part this show manages to be fun and enjoyable.
GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class is a great CGDCT and for those who say otherwise then let me tell you that your average shonen fan probably wont enjoy these kinds of things. And as always goodbye