Spoilers and swearing ahead
I was excited for this one i didnt enter the world of Jojo completely blind being recommended to watch/read it for so long plus the fact that its such a popular manganime series and oh god the memes theres no way to go in completely virgin i knew a handful of things like Kars reaching the ultimate state and being sent to space but it wasnt enough to ruin this experience.
It is a huge upgrade from Part 1 now dont get me wrong i loved Part 1 but this is so much better at the start Jonathan was still my best boi but in the end Joseph takes the cake. Hes a combat genius funny and honorable caring even he really has grown on me.
The characters in this one are great i loved characters that i didnt care about in the beginning like Stroheim and even Wham.
Wham is great im SUCH a fucking sucker for honor driven characters like a certain doughnut lover from another big manga and him being the kind of person proud of being killed by someone like Joseph and keeping his word at all times characters like him and Bruford from Part 1 they go out like chads and thats what i love about them.
At the end of the manga when Joseph died after sending Ultimate Kars to space i knew that Joseph survived since i saw him in clips but im not gonna lie to you right now i totally fucking forgot that he survived and when he died and we got panels from his funeral i was about to fucking break shit even when he appeared and revealed that he was still alive it still took me a minute to realize that i already knew this i was like WHAT HOW? Is he like a guy disguised as hi oh wait a fucking second... im glad my boi survived its amazing when main characters go out with such glory giving their lives for the CAUSE like Jonathan but i was legit gonna be real sad if he didnt make it and boy am i happy.
It was also really nice to see what happened to the characters at the end Stroheim dipping Speedwagon... i mean my guys getting a break finally Smokey becoming a major im even happy that Suzie Q got to marry Joseph shes a good girl beware of thots Jojo.
And one last thing the world traveling Mexico New York Switzerland wtf thats pretty amazing.
Ill be watching the Part 3 anime excited to see where the story goes even if i know some bits of it.
Hope you enjoyed the read