Oh lookie here another edgy seasonal show. Angels of death Menacing Angels of Death is about a 13 year old quiet blond girl named Rachel who wakes up without any memories in some basement of an abandoned building. She wakes up and walks around for a bit and runs into this one interesting character. Some guy wrapped in bandages wielding a scythe named Zack. He tries to kill her but after a series of spoilerly events they reconcile and decide to work together to escape the building they are trapped in. They are held together by 2 promises. The promise that Zack will do everything he can to help get them out of there and that when they finally get out Zach will kill Rachel.
This is sort of confusing because this is Rachels wish. Yes she wants to die. We can check that motive off the list of edgy anime. But no wait a minute she only wants to die by Zacks hands though. This is because Zack made a mindless comment on how he swears to god that hell kill her and due to her devout belief she takes that as a promise that she must help him keep. Shes the smart one. The brains.
As most of these pairs go Zack is the muscle of the duo. But not so much muscle as a violent unstoppable borderline supernatural force. Hes pretty stupid and relies on Rachel to give him orders a lot of the time. Well its not as much as relies on her its just that he takes what she tells him to do and takes it as a suggestion instead of something that will get them out of there faster easier and without harm. From what I can see his only motivation is killing. Hes only helping Rachel because 1. He wants to kill her and 2. He wants to get out to kill some more. All of this is in a character design which looks like a 12 year old child of divorce would create. Bandages covering his body entire black hoodie bloodstains all over his body and one of his most prominent features his huge fucking scythe he just carries around with him for the entire show. I called him a supernatural force earlier because this fucker just wont die. Over the course of the show hes been stabbed blogdended ripped open poisoned fucking took the electric chair multiple times and walked away with minimal injuries. To end it off Zacks voice is awful and makes ME want to take the electric chair when he laughs.
Enough about him lets get into the wondrous story they give us in Angels of Death. As stated earlier theyre trapped in a mysterious building and theyre working to get out of there. They work together to solve puzzles defeat villains and get to higher and higher floors. On every floor theres a villain trying to kill them and who they have to defeat to get to the next floor. These are the characters youll see in the poster art. These characters arent really notable and are just as edgy as the main characters. Mainly in the sense where they just want to kill without little motivation to do so except they like to. The protagonist also find clues to learn more about themselves and their pasts in the process.
You may have read back in the previous paragraph and squinted your eyes just a little bit when I said that they solve puzzles to get out. Maybe you thought it was just some bad wording on my part but in fact they are puzzles. Now you see Angels of Death was originally a game. Not only a game an rpg maker game. You can find and play it on steam right now. I dont know how accurately the anime follows the game but the fact that there are scenes in the anime that directly reference to what I assume were real puzzles in the game. At one point with no sense or irony at all they find a switch to open a door hidden underneath a pot. If that doesnt scream game adaptation I dont know what is. The anime also has a fuck ton of these long corridors for these characters slowly walk down which is very game like. With these unnecessarily perfect adaptations of the game you gotta wonder what creative liberties they took with the anime in the first place. If I wouldve watched a lets play on the game would I have the same experience as I had while watching the anime? I mean as a game it has a pretty interesting concept. The protagonist teams up with the first floor boss and goes through the game and watches the 2 bosses duke it out. But it just doesnt transfer to anime I feel.
The thing about the animation is that it sucks most of the time. But for some reason I dont know what the blood splatters that come out of the body looks really good. I the art makes an impression I guess. I mean its not pretty at all. But it mainly having to do with lots of fun and unique character designs despite everything being edgy they look good I must admit. They really represent their character.
One more thing about this show which in my eyes is despicable. At the end of the anime its a cliffhanger you know? Pretty shitty but the thing is that all the rest will be revealed in the specials revealed in the blu ray release. This is incredibly scummy to me. Having the rest of the story in the specials means that nobody will be able to finish the story without buying the actual blu ray disk. Legally at least. I guess you could buy the game but anime onlies are going to be very angry.
I give Angels of Death a 2 out of 10. I recommend to whoever just wants to watch an terrible edgy show for the lolz. Or just likes edgy stuff.