I recall seeing a promo for Free two years ago before I started to actually watch it. The promo hooked me with the HD quality of the water and how welldrawn the characters were. Muscles abs and how the water looked so damn refreshing I completed Free and my expectations of this anime from seeing that promo were definitely met. After seeing this anime I highly recommend anyone who hasnt seen it to please watch it. This is a great casual anime to binge when you have the time and if you ever need a bit of inspiration/motivation. Free is a sports anime but its also a slice of life because it really emphasizes and focuses on friendships and following your dreams. Of course the competitiveness is there and will have you rooting for your favorite characters to touch that wall and win Honestly this anime is great for girls with the closeups on the bodies but guys dont let that stop you from watching this. Youll definitely relate to the characters no matter how old you are. If you finished high school already it can create some nostalgia on memories of what you did with your friends in high school. And it will have you thinking and reflecting back on what you aspired to be when you were younger. I felt Free is one of those anime that can get you to feel inspired and get yourself motivated to fulfill what your younger self would have wanted or dream of doing. The friendship and how wellconnected the characters are with each other is a must see. The bonds are beautifully developed and there are so many hilarious moments. Aside from friendships this anime shows you reallife situations that anyone can relate. This anime will have characters that are naturally born with talent and characters who have to work hard to achieve their dreams Youll witness dedication determination and confidence from the characters. Of course youll witness the struggles jealousy and hardwork that some of the characters had to endure to get to where they are. Watching Free youll definitely want to swim or learn how to swim if you dont know how already. Its such a refreshing and relaxing anime if you ever need a break from the shounen anime.Of course I cant deny how incredible the characters look when they are swimming so ladies or men you are definitely in for a treat on that part. Lastly the animation as I mentioned in the beginning of this review is spectacular.
85 /100
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