Well hello there fanservice. To LOVERu is fullon packed with all kinds of ecchi goodies crammed tightly into a bundle of filleresque stories to bring in humor a bit of romance and quite a handful of bored annoyance at your side. Like I said before the story is pretty much how one would define what fillers are. Simple episodes that are not related to the main scifi story introduced earlier on in the anime. Which is not a bad thing in hindsight but for a mindless entertainment of this nature To LOVERu didnt do that good of a job in achieving that goal for the most part. There are a lot of repetition. Let me repeat that again. There are simply too much repetition for the show to be a fun one. Its the reason why I was amused by the first half but as time goes on I found myself getting annoyed with the recurrence whether its jokes or actions because it wont work if youve seen it multiple times. Nevertheless there are a few episodes I did enjoy as I found myself laughing at the silly things that happened with the characters. As for them its pleasing to see that the main boy isnt as annoying as I thought he would be. In fact he kind of stray away from the major denseness found in other leads who happen to be in the same situation as him although a couple of similarities are still present. The group of girls are likable having personalities that are different enough to each other. However only a couple of them are blessed with enough screen time so I didnt feel too much about the ones who are barely there this season. Nothing much to be said in the arts department except for the fact that its pretty much as simple as the story. A modern take on the looks of the art style in the past. Consistency is maintained with the use of bright colors matching the energetic aura from the characters. Though for the animation at times it feels dull which didnt really help with the mostly boring story. There are exaggerations in the comedy and ecchi scenes as to be expected in an anime containing a lot of silliness. With fanservice it should be unprecedented that the designs of the characters are quite proportional including their eyes too which reach big but not big enough to look weird. Cute Id say especially with their clothing as it complements well with the personality of each characters. Same goes for the voice acting though it did take a bit of time to get used with some. While there are no notable soundtracks that I remembered it did remove any distractions that couldve possibly ruined some of the humors so thats a good thing. And for the opening and ending songs they have a charming but hot attitude that fit the tone of the anime if that makes any sense at all. To LOVERu in the end served as an entertainment that only show and doesnt tell any progression of the story or characters. In a sense its just a montage of attempted humors combined with a sexy atmosphere that worked for half of the time. Do not try to find any deeper meaning in this anime and just watch it at face value. This ecchi trial of harem is awaiting you.
56 /100
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