I did not enjoy this show but it had some redeeming qualities. The best way I can put it is that The Seven Deadly Sins is like a strawberry smoothie with a little mucus mixed in. Ban Gilthunder and Kings past are some of the absolute best things about this show. I enjoyed the slow development of who the big bad bosses really were and some information about Meliodas true origin. Fight scenes are nicelyexecuted as well.
However I was really turned off by the copious blood vomits/spittakes its like the blood spews out in two forms: bitesized nuggets and water hose pressure Meliodas gropeygrabby hands the fanservice feels icky and too contrived sorry not sorry and Elizabeths utter uselessness I swear her personality is best girl I personally just dont care about moe chicks.
Now I love romance as Im always reading a good shoujo but I didnt care for Elizabeths undying love for our golden boy. I actually preferred Bans thinlydeveloped love more even though I cant stand lolicon stuff. This shows relationships are a bit weird just so you know that going in.
Also the story moved too slowly in certain episodes before picking up an exciting pace toward the 20s.
I liked the ensemble of characters minus Elizabeth and their bits of development. Meliodas definitely wasnt the most likable character but he wasnt one of those MCs that you beg to get off the screen for one reason or another.
For me his companions were much cooler. Diane made me feel for her Kings previous whereabouts were interesting and of course I enjoyed Ban a lot. The piggy character runs its mouth too much for me but it fulfilled the animal sidekick role well enough.
As far as the English dub I thought the voices were good. I think each voice fits its character well though Elizabeths voice is sickly sweet and her crying leaves a lot to be desired.
The animation is very fluid and smooth but some of the bodies look weirdly disproportionate i.e Griamore and Elizabeth.
The music is beautiful and empathyinducing. It helps set the tone well for important scenes. Even by itself the soundtrack is great.
Is it worth watching? For me I wouldve dropped this show much quicker if it werent for Ban and the interesting buildup to a satisfying end. But for something I found on Netflix it is pretty entertaining. For all its stupid moments there is a lot of heart great characters and foreshadowing. Check it out for yourself.