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En un sketch de Gintama en alguno de sus ensimos episodios Gintoki defenda la existencia de To Love Ru por su valor en ser el manga que an muestra pezones en la revista Shonen por emblema del pas y aunque sea parodia tiene completamente la razn.
Para el dcimo aniversario de la saga se public To Love Ru Chronicle en el que diferentes autores realizaron dibujos en homenaje a la saga todos agradeciendo una y otra vez a Yabuki demostrando lo evidente To Love Ru no es ni nunca fue una obra harem ecchi ms marc poca y culto. Otra demostracin es que cuando Kentarou cre su cuenta de Twitter el primer tweet supera los 200 K me gusta y con cada sketch de TLR supera los 50K.
Si realizramos una diseccin histrica sobre las obras que definieron al Ecchi ah estara To Love Ru al lado de otros clsicos como Cutie Honey Urusei Yatsura o Love Hina especialmente este ltimo por ser casi congnere a su poca de publicacin. En lo personal considero a To Love Ru como el principal exponente en la transicin de los 2010 a lo que sigue todava insuperado una cumbre del estilo y gnero la cual no podr ser replicada hace slo un par de aos Yuragi Yuuna San tuvo una portada picante escondida y poco falt para ser polmica nacional Qu diran de las vaginas de Yabuki?
Y en realidad considero que no importa Darkness es la culminacin perfecta de un artista an reconociendo la existencia de una historia sabemos que es efectiva no memorable esto se lleva todava ms al extremo en la secuela. El plan fue totalmente cambiado a otro con un transcurso en el que es sobradamente notable como se alarga porque no tenan ni idea de como terminarlo. Se mueve por esa fuerza de cualquier excusa es vlida mientras ocasione alguna escena fanservice y estas todava ms extremas y rdiculas que las vistas en la anterior parte.
Varios podrn estar en desacuerdo de mi afirmacin sobre que no ha sido igualada con mangas contemporneos que prcticamente son material ertico y he ah el error. To Love Ru Darkness no cruza nunca la lnea roza al extremo ms fino pero no salta hacia el otro lado y podr parecer un despropsito para varios sin embargo otros me entendern cuando aclare que precisamente no cruzar es lo que consigue crear ese fino espacio dedicado a la expectativa y el deseo.
Como tambin es que an siendo meramente una historia funcional en su propsito consigue ser precisamente eso entretenida para sus fines a comparacin de las similares actuales cuya trama es todava ms escueta. El harem de Rito ser de casi 10 personas y an as ninguna es una copia de la otra ni un arquetipo sin personalidad. As se entiende que en las encuestas de popularidad fuese todo un revuelto de victorias una vez Run otra Momo Haruna o Kotegawa. Hasta Risa que en cualquiera otra serie sera una secundaria cualquiera aqu domina cada momento en el que aparece.
Rito sigue siendo el personaje ms dbil aunque poco interesa su amabilidad y compromiso es el que se necesita para que cumpla su rol en la historia del resto su mayor aporte ser caerse las cadas las benditas cadas las sagradas cadas la pluma de Yabuki al disear las cadas ms perfectas que ha concebido el ser humano tampoco s si hay siquiera competencia pero de haberla no tienen oportunidad.
Cuando llega al extremo es decir lo mencionado ya contamos con tetas pezones vaginas escondidas las mentes de miles de jvenes le deben ese bendito estmulo a Yabuki por eso en Chronicle los autores mencionan leerlo religiosamente en sus escuelas. Y por supuesto alaban su habilidad de dibujante y como no hacerlo Kentaro es de los mejores sino que el mejor dibujante del cuerpo femenino extremadamente idealizado del anime cualquier chica secundaria de estar en su propio programa sera la ms votada como Best Girl de la temporada.
Entiendo a quienes prefieren al original ms calmado menos al extremo. En mi caso he de preferir el asalto a los sentidos al estmulo primigenio que es Darkness ese insuperado logro porque an habiendo similares estn irnicamente contenidos o desbordados no comprenden lo que haca To Love Ru Darkness.
Pero Qu es lo que haca To Love Ru Darkness?
In a Gintama sketch in one of its many episodes Gintoki defended the existence of To Love Ru for its value in being the manga that still shows nipples in the countrys flagship Shonen magazine and although its a parody its completely right.
For the tenth anniversary of the saga To Love Ru Chronicle was published in which different authors made drawings in tribute to the saga all thanking Yabuki again and again demonstrating the obvious To Love Ru is not and never was just another harem ecchi work it marked an era and cult. Another demonstration is that when Kentarou created his Twitter account the first tweet exceeds 200 K likes and with each TLR sketch exceeds 50K.
If we were to make a historical dissection of the works that defined Ecchi To Love Ru would be next to other classics such as Cutie Honey Urusei Yatsura or Love Hina especially the latter for being almost congeneric to its time of publication. Personally I consider To Love Ru as the main exponent in the transition from the 2010s to what is still unsurpassed a summit of style and genre which cannot be replicated just a couple of years ago Yuragi Yuuna San had a hidden spicy cover and it was not far from being a national controversy. What would they say about Yabukis vaginas?
And really I consider it doesnt matter Darkness is the perfect culmination of an artist even acknowledging the existence of a story we know it is effective not memorable this is taken even more to the extreme in the sequel. The plan was totally changed to another with a course in which its abundantly noticeable how it drags on because they had no idea how to end it. It moves by that force of any excuse is valid as long as it causes some fanservice scene and these even more extreme and ridiculous than those seen in the previous part.
Many may disagree with my assertion that it has not been matched by contemporary manga that are practically erotic material and thats where the error lies. To Love Ru Darkness never crosses the line it brushes to the finest extreme but doesnt jump to the other side and may seem a nonsense to many however others will understand me when I clarify that precisely not crossing is what manages to create that fine space dedicated to the expectation and desire.
As its also that even being merely a functional story in its purpose it manages to be precisely that entertaining for its purposes compared to the current similar ones whose plot is even more terse. Ritos harem will be almost 10 people and yet none of them is a copy of the other or an archetype without personality. Thus it is understood that in the popularity polls it was all a scramble of victories once Run another time Momo Haruna or Kotegawa. Even Risa who in any other series would be a secondary character dominates every moment in which she appears.
Rito is still the weakest character although it matters little his kindness and commitment is what is needed for him to fulfill his role in the story the rest of his greatest contribution will be to fall the falls the blessed falls the sacred falls Yabukis pen in designing the most perfect falls ever conceived by the human being I dont know if there is even competition but if there is they dont stand a chance.
When it comes to the extreme i.e. the aforementioned we have boobs nipples vaginas hidden the minds of thousands of young people owe that blessed stimulation to Yabuki thats why in Chronicle the authors mention reading it religiously in their schools. And of course they praise his drawing skills and how not to do it Kentaro is one of the best if not the best drawer of the extremely idealized female body in anime any high school girl in his own program would be the most voted as Best Girl of the season.
I understand those who prefer the original calmer less extreme. In my case I have to prefer the assault on the senses the primal stimulus that is Darkness that unsurpassed achievement because even having similar ones are ironically contained or overwhelmed they dont understand what To Love Ru Darkness did.
But what was To Love Ru Darkness doing?